Light mixed formation – how many dice for shooting.

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Light mixed formation – how many dice for shooting.

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nat.
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  • #189188
    Jeff Unruh

    In Chelmsford Bunkers rules summary further below in the Forum, “1/2 shooting dice rounded up”. Can’t find that in any of the rule books. Missed it somewhere?

    Garry Wills

    This comes from Clash of Eagles pp.96-7. The formation deploys half the bases in skirmish order rather than a third, and each base seems to get a shot, which seems a bit excessive given half the unit can’t fire.


    Each base gets half a dice for shooting….

    so a standard unit of 6 bases put 3 in skirmish… so 1.5 dice, as you cant have .5 of a dice its rounded up to 2
    a large of 8 bases puts 4 … so only has 2 dice in skirmish shooting

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