Looking For Japanese “Betty” Bomber

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies Looking For Japanese “Betty” Bomber

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  • #187883
    HellRaiser 7

    I’m looking for a company/store he has 1/200 scale Japanese Mitsubishi G4M2 “Betty” Bomber. I’m putting together a a scenario (which I got of Wargames, Soldiers, & Strategy Magazine) called “To Kill Yamamoto “. The scenario is very easy to play and makes for a great demo game. I have everything but the bombers. The magazine actual recommended a site which they got their bombers from, Armament Miniatures, I cannot get them to respond. Starting to run out of time cause I have Gaming Cons I want to run this scenario at. I’m looking to get a couple Betty Bombers or any Japanese Bombers to use too. Thank you. Ed


    It does not looks like there is any 1/200 model produced but, you never know.

    Nowadays, 3D print could be the option to bypass such restrictions. So if you have access to such technology I’d suggest to have a search around.


    A mate of mine 3D printed my Bettys as a gift so there are STLs out there… however I think I put the wings on slightly wrong so they are a bit bowed :p

    william ciattoni


    There are bomber STL files here.


    Emmanuel ROY

    Armament in Miniatures does a really nice betty :


    I painted four of them :



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Emmanuel ROY.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Emmanuel ROY.

    Hi Ed – Warlord do have one slated for release “soon” ish. If you cant wait then Armaments in Miniature in the US have them. They’re also available as 3d prints from RoCWorks models in the UK and Lead Pursuit in the US

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