LOS from building

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  • #172096

    Question on Line of Sight from building. I use images to be clearer.

    – INFANTRY: A) (180 degrees) or B) (like vehicle arc of fire) ?

    – FIXED WEAPON (MG, AT, Howitzer): A) or B) or C)?


    FAQ Sept 19

    (dont worry that its on the store.. its a free download)

    Let’s imagine a sniper is located in a building and it shoots from a window. If in the following turn it wants to shoot through another window, does it count as having moved?
    No, the sniper can indeed fire as a sniper from any opening on that floor with a Fire order. Only infantry with fixed weapons (i.e. with limited arc of fire) must be ordered to Advance from one opening to another.

    What angle of fire should infantry squads, snipers and similar units get when firing from windows and doors, 180° or something else? Do fixed weapons like MMGs get their usual 45° on each side of the barrel?
    As inside a building we cannot see the model and its position is abstract, we suggest using 180° for all weapons, including fixed ones.


    I already downloaded that FAQ time ago, but I dont remember of this. Thanks. Now it’s all clear.


    There is an inconsistency in the FAQ.
    The FAQ says that artilleries can use “advance” to change the building’s side. The rulebook say that artillery in building cant receive advance or run order, are fixed in that side of building.


    MMGs for example have the fixed.

    Artillery means things like AT guns (basically any unit selected from the artillery section)

    sorry reading failure on my part!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    Stuart Harrison

    That inconsistency would be due to the paragraph under buildings being a direct cut and paste from first edition when there was no provision for simply changing arc with an advance order.


    Ok, so FAQ is correct

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