Lucky Jack

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    Lucky Jack, the free miniature coming with the Black Powder 2 rulebook.

    A really awesome miniature: fine and crisp details, easy to recognize Russel C. definitely one of the best miniatures from Warlord Games and not only Warlord Games.


    Why so big? I did not measured it, but it seems to me likely a 32mm(!) miniature: no chance to integrate it with some other miniatures of my napoleonic ranges 🙁

    I will paint it as a stand alone for my showcase…

    Dr Dave

    I checked, and people are not all the same height.

    Jack is a big fella!


    I checked, and people are not all the same height.

    Jack is a big fella!

    …about 8 foot and 3 inches…

    I measured it yesterday: it is 33mm at the eyes… russian pavlosk grenadiers (also from Warlord) reach him to the armpit… (measured without grenadier hat, with hat they reach him to the chin).

    Charge The Guns

    I reckon Aubrey would have been much bigger than a Pavlovski 😉

    Perhaps he is modelled to fit with the Doctor Who figures? They are quite tall.

    Dr Dave

    I’m in favour of figure size being proportional to a units or individual martial prowess. Hence a huge RN Officer is spot on.


    Me too… a certain Mr. Wellesley said once Napoleon’s hat was 40.000 men worth… should we soon expect from Warlord a miniature from Boney in 28mm with a hat 6 foot square?

    Dr Dave

    Yes he did say that. IIRC though he was referring to facing other continental foes. Arthur wasn’t fazed by hat size at all. At Waterloo Boney is best represented by a 6mm figure. Arthur by a 12” to the foot scale figure.

    I’m off to measure my Lucky Jack.

    invisible officer

    Most of the French officer’s size was the bicorne . 😉

    The size shrunk from the Napoleonic Monsters still worn around 1830 to the small ones used by navy in third republic.

    Some worn by the army had been even bigger, like that Napoleonic Legers one owned by “her”




    I don’t know who has read O’Brian, but I have read all 21 books. O’Brian portrays Jack as a large and tall figure, who battles his weight and loves to eat and drink.

    Soused hog’s face, anyone?

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