Melee dice and Attack Column , Austrian Masse

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Melee dice and Attack Column , Austrian Masse

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    If you have a standard sized battalion, wth a H2H value of 6, How many dice does it get if in attack column?

    In “A Clash of Eagles”, rules are proposed for Austrian Masse. Not sure I have got my mind around it as there is a lot of “see page xx….. See page yy”. My understanding is that the Masse is a form of “closed column”, which is itself not much different from an attack column. All three formations seem to be the same frontage, just variations on how the ranks of infantry are placed. However, the Masse is restricted to 4 H2H dice.


    It is only restricted to 4 H2H dice when it adopts a “closed column” and is in a column of companies.  It is adopts closed column and is in an attack column no such reduce H2H applies.  This is why you must identify whether the unit is in closed column or simply a column of companies or attack column.  Perhaps turning the back rank and facing it backwards would achieve this goal.

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