Mollwitz Anyone?

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Mollwitz Anyone?

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  • #160518
    Mark Stanoch

    With the recent spate of successfully conducted Last Argument Of Kings games of BP II here in sunny Florida, I am looking for assistance in creating some other classics of the period. To that end, I would like to take a stab at the Battle of a Mollwitz as a tribute of sorts to the late great Charles Grant. Not only will this enable me to evangelize the virtues of BP II, but it will also allow me to provide a glimpse into the history of “real” wargaming to all those 40K players in the area. Do you know if anyone has developed a scenario for Mollwitz, and if so can you provide me with a BP II friendly order of Battle? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Charge The Guns

    Hi Mark, sorry you’ve not had any replies. This isn’t my period so unfortunately I can’t help. I tried googling ‘mollwitz wargame scenario’ and several hits came up, although none that I saw for BP. Perhaps it would be easy enough to convert one of these to BP?

    Mark Stanoch

    Charge The Guns, Thank for the reply. I did in fact find a post on Jeff Berry’s Obscure Battles blog site that proved very useful.

    Undeterred by the lack of response from this forum I am forging ahead with the design of a BP II scenario. There are three issues that I am currently grappling with how best to represent in the game:

    1. Snow
    2. Frederick’s Abandonment of the Battle
    3. Prussian Cavalry stats

    I want to reflect these without changing the balance of the game too much. So I am considering halving the artillery distance (Jeff prescribed halving all movement as well) to reflect the effects of the 2ft of snow on the ground. I am also setting a rule that if the Prussian Cavalry brigade breaks, Frederick exits the board as well and command is transferred to Schwerin. Finally, I am tempted to rate the Prussian Cavalry as “Untested” but I think this might be a bit too drastic. I would appreciate your thoughts.

    You may follow the development of the scenario on our facebook page:
    Darkside Historical Gamers

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Mark Stanoch.
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