Multi moves and attacking from the side

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Multi moves and attacking from the side

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  • #180548

    The rules say that you can only charge in hand combat in the frontal arc.  However, is this arc fixed at the start of your move, or does it  get “updated” with each individual move of a multiple move. For example, let’s say I have my unit pretty much in front of the enemy, some distance away.  I get 3 moves. The first move, I angle off a little, whilst still keeping within my original front arc . The 2nd move I wheel off a bit more. by the third move my frontal arc now includes my enemy’s flank!

    Perhaps I have missed something?

    This is particularly important in all the games we’ve test so far, as cavalry just mopped up artillery from the side. because, as far as I can see, the artillery cannot react to turn and fire.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by SteveT.
    Garry Wills

    Yes you have missed the ‘position the charging unit’ section on page 60. This should be in the declaration of charge orders section but isn’t. The frontal arc restriction applies when the order is given a the start of the turn. Note the use of ‘turn’ not ‘move’ in this section. Moves and turns are very different in Black Powder, which is unfortunate given they are interchangeable in most rules.







    Excellent. Thanks!

    Big Al

    Garry, that isn’t quite right. The enemy must be in your unit’s front quarter for the final move into contact. That means for initiative moves or the final move of multiPle moves. The chargers must also have A clear line of sight To the target at the beginning of the final move into contact

    The rule for charging from two or three moves away, Is just that you declare the charge and that the chargers must contact the enemy quarter that they start the turn (not move) in. To clarify that, if your cavalry are in the front quarter of the enemy at the start of the turn, then they can only contact the front in that same turn. They can’t move and then charge the flank in the same turn.

    That is more difficult to explain than it is to show!

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