NCO as loaders

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    What do you all think? Could a squad’s NCO double up as a loader for a support weapon that is part of the squad?


    (Question arose when making SNLF Grenadiers. Wanted a compact 3 mortar group which needs 6 men of course, but would. it need a 7th for the NCO or could he just be a loader.)



    Master Chief

    Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 73:

    Squad-Based Team Weapons
    The most common team weapon carried by the typical infantry squad is the light machine gun. If a team weapon is included in an infantry squad then one of the other infantrymen in the squad becomes its second crewman, for example, a Bren gun team of firer and loader. Choose which model becomes the loader – you can pick any model in the squad except the NCO, and you must mark this model clearly, so that both you and the opponent can easily recognise it.


    Thank you, a very rapid response!

    Master Chief

    Although the latest FAQ messes things up:

    Regarding Compagnia Sahariana. Squads are set at an NCO and 3 men. Up to 2 men may upgrade to SMG, Up to 2 men may upgrade to LMG. Is the NCO meant to be able to upgrade to an SMG? Also, if 2 LMGs are taken one will be automatically without a loader (unless the NCO can load)?

    The NCO can have one of the two SMGs, and can act as the loader for an LMG.


    Mmmm: is that specific to that unit I wonder,

    Nigel Heather

    I imagine it is because the Sahariana were like the LRDG or SAS, very small units and each soldier acted independently. The NCO were also more likely to get their hands dirty mucking in with the everyday stuff.

    With a traditional infantry squad or section, if the NCOs focussed on the LMG loader role than he would run the risk that the rest of the squad would be ineffective due to lack of leadership.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Nigel Heather.

    wouldnt be the first FAQ answer that directly contradicts the rulebook…. look at the rece movement entries…. I’d take that answer as being for that unit only at best or ignore it totally at worse.

    Having said that, if your gaming group is happy for your NCOs to be loaders then go for it… double penalty when the NCO is killed off by exceptional damage… but yeah RAW is clear, the NCO cant be a loader

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