Need help making my first bolt action army

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    Hello all,

    I am thinking about getting into Bolt Action by buying a box of Perry miniatures’ US infantry. I’ve been toying around with list ideas on easyarmy, and have tried to create a force that would be fun to use, thematic and historical, and (somewhat) viable.

    Here’s what I am thinking: (all regulars)

    x1 2nd Lt. with buddy, SMGs (60 points)

    x10 man infantry squad, 9 rifles 1 bar (105 points)

    x10 man infantry squad, 9 rifles 1 bar (105 points)

    x10 man infantry squad, 9 rifles 1 bar (105 points)

    x1 medic, pistol (23 points)

    medium machine gun team (50 points)

    medium machine gun team (50 points)

    sniper team (50 points)

    Total: 548 points, 8 order dice

    This uses 41 of the 42 miniatures in the box, and I could remove either the sniper or one of the MMGs depending on the map to make the list under 500 points.

    What should I change? How effective would this force be? Any other suggestions?

    Perry miniatures infantry box:



    Random thoughts:

    Personally, I would avoid the Leader + 1 assistant, as the moment you take 1 loss it triggers the “now make a morale check for taking 50% losses”. I would go 2 assistants.

    Is an upgrade to Veteran for your sniper available? I say that as it often comes down to sniper duels.

    MMGs are not that great in BA in some ways (you will hear people say) but do at least provide longer range fire. So I would keep at least one of them, especially as you will have the models..  Not sure that many platoon list allow 2 though in any case. What platoon list are you working from? maybe the generic one?



    Thank you for replying, I have taken your good suggestions into account and made these changes:

    Gave the 2nd Lt another assistant like you said, that should help keep him alive longer. (and the assistants get free SMGs)

    Upgraded the sniper to veteran.

    Kept one of the MMGs. I have heard before that MMGs aren’t good like you said, but they look cool and I will have the models. I am using the “US reinforced platoon” from “armies of the United States” on easyarmy, this allows up to 3 machine gun teams. Although I have heard that easyarmy isn’t always accurate, but I’ll only be using one MMG now anyways.

    Thanks Steve!


    I overhauled the list based on your suggestions:

    regulars: x1 2nd Lt., x2 bodyguards (SMGs)

    regulars: x9 infantry (7 rifles 2 bars)

    regulars: x9 infantry (7 rifles 2 bars)

    regulars: x8 infantry (6 rifles 2 bars)

    regular: MMG team (50

    veterans: Sniper team

    Total: 500 points, 6 order dice

    I upgraded to 2 bars in each squad, gave the Lt an extra buddy, and made the sniper veteran. Sadly I had to lose the medic. 🙁


    I think the added BARs is way better than the Medic. Good move.

    I don’t play the US but often against them as those BARs hurt.



    Oe thing: are you sure that platoon has 0-3 MGs allowed? (not that it matters as you going for 1 anyway). My US Army Book and the Warlord Army Builder App both show 0-1 ?

    I guess you are limited to the Perry box, for now,  but flamethrowers /bazookas might be a good additional purchase, then at least you get anti-tank capability. At the moment, your platoon might have problems dealing with any armoured vehicles.



    Yeah I’ve heard the slogan “more BARs more better”, and the Perry box comes with six so….

    If I eventually expand to 750 or 1000 points, I might add a medic to the list for theme or something.


    I’m not quite sure, but easyarmy allows 3. Like I said, easyarmy is 3rd party so it could be wrong or outdated. But here’s what I found after some research:

    Site talking about building a US army that mentions 3 available per the Rulebook.



    Yeah I just realized that, especially since my friend is a tank fanatic who would probably build his army around a Tiger… It isn’t advertised, but looking at reviews the Perry box comes with 2 bazookas. So maybe I could model a bazooka, and if my opponent brings a tank I could swap the vet sniper (65 points) for a reg bazooka (60 points)?


    Ah, yes it does say you US  can use up to 3 in a little additonal note.  That will be interesting come Version 3 where they might tweak MGs, so hold on to your steel hat…

    I would try to squeeze in a bazooka if  possible, especially if there are in the box, and if only for the extra order die too. Certainly way higher priority than the medic.  The only situations we’ve found in which medics pay for themselves are either  in veteran-heavy forces where each one saved is worth big points, or a mass swarm type of army where the medic is surrounded by ‘customers’ .




    That is very interesting, hoping that they give MGs a buff because they would look so cool to use.

    Yeah that sounds smart. I will probably hold off on a medic till 750 or 1000 points, I really wanted to field one for thematic purposes and extra order dice, but sounds like it wouldn’t be very useful in a small army.

    Off topic a bit, but would a 1st Lt be worth it over a 2nd Lt? Being able to snap-to half my army at once sounds like a good idea, but then again a 1st Lt might be a liability as a sniper magnet.


    1st Lt vs 2nd Lt.  In my experience, those higher ranked leaders are hard to justify within smaller armies. I think they are better used by experienced players who can better see where a critical rush is called for.  If I were you, I’d stick to 2nd Lt at the moment.  And the 2nd LT does not give you any extra command radius either.

    The other thing to think about is the multiple platoon option, just to throw a spanner in the works. Each with a 2nd LT… prob bigger army time.




    Oh yeah, I see.Since I’m a newbie, I’ll probably stick to the 2nd Lt and save me some points.

    Hehe yeah, multiple platoons might be viable. I would be able to use both my bazookas, and have extra officers. But would that be fair in casual games?


    Also the Perry box comes with two snipers, I could see that being a pain in the rear for my opponent.


    Ok so here’s my list right now, I’m really happy with how it’s turned out. I have also been thinking ahead about how to use the remaining miniatures in the box to make a larger 750 point list. Iv’e also been thinking that I could add a tank to the 750 point list to make it 1000 points eventually.

    reg 2nd Lt + 2 buddies, SMGs

    reg NCO + 8 infantry, NCO with rifle, 6 rifles 2 BARs

    reg NCO + 7 infantry, NCO with rifle, 5 rifles 2 BARs

    reg NCO + 7 infantry, NCO with rifle, 5 rifles 2 BARs

    reg Medic, pistol

    reg Bazooka team

    vet Sniper team, sniper with pistol, spotter with SMG

    Total: 500 points, 7 order dice

    750 point list:

    reg 2nd Lt. + 2 buddies, SMGs

    vet NCO + 8 infantry, NCO with rifles, 6 rifles 2 BARs

    vet NCO + 8 infantry, NCO with rifle, 6 rifles 2 BARs

    vet NCO + 9 infantry, NCO with SMG, 2 SMGs 5 rifles 2 BARs (Tough Fighters)

    reg Medic, pistol

    reg MMG team

    reg MMG team

    vet Sniper team, pistols

    vet Bazooka

    Total: 749 points, 9 order dice

    Could you look over that and maybe give me some suggestions? Thanks!


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