Need help making my first bolt action army

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    I know you are coming at this having just 1 box, so it poses a unique challenge

    (On the 2 platoon thing being cheating or not: As it’s all point based, it’s all good. Unless you are in some tournament or scenario that specially says 1 platoon max per player. I know when we started it was a way for us to use our then limited pool of figures.)

    I would probably make the infantry units a little smaller (8 total?), and see if you can squeeze in an extra order die somewhere? perhaps another bazooka which you said comes in the box. Needn’t be veteran.

    Also, I see one has a few  SMGs. With the US national rifle ability of “move and fire without penalty” it feels like less of a gain for them to have SMGs, but it is still fine if you are thinking this is your close assault unit or something. Engineers are really the best for that, though, of course.

    Just some random thoughts. I hope some US-army players will add in their  2 cents’ worth.


    Yeah as a college student going through flight school, budget is a big concern for me.

    Oh ok, good to know. Of course I would have to lose some points for another officer.

    Yeah I just now realized that it probably isn’t a good loadout with all the different ranges, I was attempting to make an assault force…

    It would be nice to have multiple opinions, but you have done a suburb job of helping me avoid newb mistakes, thank you. o7


    Now that I think about it, rifles are pretty good in a US force, and you can only take up to 4 SMGs in a squad. So maybe I just go with all rifles and “tough fighters”?


    I would avoid getting into close combat if you can with what you have there, as so many other troop types are better at it (Japanese, German SS , any engineers, or Veteran infantry of any kind, huge units  of inferior troops ).  You can really play to the strengths of that special rifle ability.  Having been on the receiving end of that repeatedly, a sort of rolling thunder attack is alarming, as suddenly the Americans appear from around a corner at a still fairly long range yet blazing away  at full strength.




    Ah ok, that makes sense. Thank you, I’ll get back to the drawing board!


    I was thinking, there’s been some pictures floating around the internet of homemade mortars…. So would it be worth it to DIY a mortar to give my army some HE? The Perry box comes with radios that I could use to make a spotter as well.


    Yeah , why not. If you also have the option of the Heavy variant of mortar, I’d be tempted. They are really nasty for slamming into enemy held objectives, buildings,   suppressing tanks, and rendering AT guns ineffective. I stopped bringing my German Flak 88s to most of our games as a cheap enemy mortar can easily shut it down.

    You might even be able to cobble a crude one together from the Perry sprue frame or other bits.




    Yeah an inexperienced 4 man crew heavy mortar for 46 points is tempting…. Who cares if it’s inexperienced when it can sit back with 72″ of range, nearly untouchable? I also have a friend who has a 3d printer, maybe I could call in a favor, or do as you said and DIY a mortar. Nice thing is they are simple looking.

    Oof, yeah, the 88 looks like a nightmare to move once they start ranging in on it.

    L.T. Russell

    Aidan, a heavy mortar is an excellent idea.  IIRC, you need to take a Regular unit to get a spotter.  I’d recommend it….


    Oh ok, good to know. Inexperienced gives me some budget HE, but regular makes sense because more morale, harder to kill, and can take a spotter so it can sit behind cover.


    Here’s another rough draft of a list:

    *7 order dice, 499 points*

    Reg 2nd Lt + 2 buddies, rifles (70)

    Reg 8 man squad, 6 rifles 2 BARs (90)

    Reg 8 man squad, 6 rifles 2 BARs (90)

    Vet 8 man squad, 6 rifles 2 BARs (114)

    Reg  Medic, pistol (23)

    Reg Medium mortar team + spotter (60)

    Reg sniper team, scoped rifle + pistol, spotter with SMG (52)


    Feel like this one is a good balance between historical accuracy, enjoyable to field, and competitive. The 8-man squads tooled up with 2 BARs and the “fire and maneuver” trait should pose a veritable threat on the battlefield, the Vet squad doing most of the advancing with the 2 Reg squads for support. The officer team will run around providing morale boosts for the squads that need it, and the Medic will tag along with the vet squad and hopefully get some saves. Although I mostly chose him for theme, variety, and cheap order die. 🙂 I wanted to make the sniper Vet, but I stuck with Reg to fit in some extra order dice. He’ll harres the enemy’s weapon teams. And last but not least, the medium mortar with spotter will provide some long range HE, and put some pressure on trenched in units. *Also the mortar is the same price as a Bazooka, so if my opponent takes some armor along I could swap them out *

    Thoughts/constructive criticism? Thanks!


    I think the best constructive criticism will come from  yourself and your opponent after Game 1.

    Personally, I might have avoided the medic, but I know you are going for theme, and it does at least give +1 order die and you do have an infantry heavy selection so maybe ok. And as mentioned earlier I  would have gone Heavy mortar over Medium (if an option), and definitely Reg with a spotter. They are terrifying, Possibly you could even ditch the LTs 2 assistants if it would pay for it. At least then he’d get the small team targeting bonus, but he’d better watch out for snipers.








    Yeah I made my list flexible, so I’ll just have to play a few games then tweak it.

    If I ditch the assistants, I can upgrade to a heavy for 15 points. And I see your point, a 3″ HE template that kills vets on 2+ or hits armored vehicles with 4 pen, anywhere on the map with 5 feet of range….


    I also have another major challenge to consider: painting. Now I’ve seen some wizard painters who paint up platoons that look like they just came off the beaches of Normandy, but I have zero miniature painting experience, or even painting in general. So Iv’e decided to start simple, as any paint on a mini is better than none, and sort of figure out an assembly line process to paint 42 minis.

    From what I’ve read, it looks like you put on some primer, then the base coat, wash, details, and finish with a sealant.  So first off, forgive me, but what’s a wash? And secondly, do you know of a good paint that I could preferably get off Amazon that’s close to a m1943 uniform? I’ve included a picture below of what I am kind of aiming for. Sorry for all the questions, I am an absolute newbie to the hobby…


    L.T. Russell

    Another consideration;  “Small Unit” defensive adjustment.  The medic, even with one helper is a “Small” unit.  Same with your LT, of whatever kind, with only one assistant.  Gets you an extra defensive bonus….

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