Need help making my first bolt action army

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    A wash is just a thinned out pigment (can be purpose bought or DIY) . Also known as an ink in some corners. These are brushed on generously so that the pigment settles into the crevices to form a natural shading.

    Your best bet is to search on YouTube  “Painting 28mm xyz” as there will be 999 people talking about painting very precise troop types and they normally give the paints they use.




    Ah ok thanks a lot. Might just diy a wash for budget considerations.


    Thanks L.T. Russel!

    Yeah from what I’ve seen, the “2 or 3 man officer team” debate is about as old as time. And it looks like there isn’t a correct answer, it depends. I personally am running my LT as a 2 man team, because his purpose is to sit back and provide morale boosts and extra pins. So adding an extra man isn’t worth it as much, the points could be spent elsewhere and the “small team” bonus makes him a pain in the butt to hit…

    But I’ve seen some German veteran 3 man officer teams with assault rifles, and those look like they would hurt.

    L.T. Russell

    Yeah, a Veteran German HQ unit with either SMGs or STGs can be a real help when things get dicey….

    “Dicey”, a gaming pun….


    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by L.T. Russell.

    Hahaha! Maybe I picked the wrong faction to start with…

    L.T. Russell

    Nah, don’t think that Aidan.  Every army has its strengths and weaknesses.  Work with your Americans.  Try different stuff.  Get ahold of the Armies of the United States book and look for things that catch your eye.  I just picked up a 3D print of a US M15 halftrack.  It’s a self-propelled AA platform, with a heavy autocannon linked with two HMGs.  A LOT of firepower, with the potential to take on anything up to a medium tank (from the side, or with some luck!).  Some of the serious Bolt Action aficionados in our group have all kinds of armies.  They spend a lot of money too!  Some of us are basically one-trick ponies.  I like that I can use Bolt Action stuff with Konflikt 47 too….


    Thanks L.T. Russel, I think once I have my troops painted up on the table storming the beaches I’ll realize that I made a good choice. I’ve designed my army to be super flexible, so if I try something and it doesn’t work, I can just swap it out. Yeah I’ve seen those people with massive armies before, here I am budgeting to afford paints…. That sounds awesome! I’ve seen the M16 half-track, the one with 4 HMGs, but the M15 sounds like a whole different beast! Yeah one day I’ll have to try out K47. Until then, it’s just me and my friend playing Bolt Action in Alaska, so the only way for me to play it is if he is interested.


    As someone who has been playing against the US forces for years, I will list all their weaknesses here:

    — none.

    Your choice is fine.


    Lol thanks Steve.

    L.T. Russell

    Aidan, another option for your American army would be Korean War.  They used basically the same uniforms, equipment, vehicles as later war WWII.  Ya just gotta mind a Korean and/or Chinese opponent….


    Oooh, that sounds interesting. And they get some cool toys like the Patton tank…


    Hey  guys, how does this wild idea sound?: Adding a 57mm M18 recoilless howitzer to my army. Now, it only has a pathetic 1″ HE template, but it is ONLY 30 points for an order dice, it can fire 48″ directly or up to 60″ indirectly, and since it’s so small my opponent might ignore it which will allow it to wreck his weapons teams.

    And it would be stupid easy to design and 3d print.


    It actually looks like a pretty good deal, a light mortar that can fire directly and is 10 points cheaper. But can move and fire.

    Stuart Harrison

    “a light mortar that can fire directly and is 10 points cheaper. But can move and fire” – should read ‘can’t move and fire’ – the 57mm M18 has the fixed rule.


    The M18  is indeed very cheap, and a good way to sneak in an extra order die. But in a force that lacks HE (not a criticism, just a fact since you have limited figures and points), then I am not sure a 1″ burst is going to make much of an impact in any sense.

    [The med/heavy mortar and M18 all have “Fixed” meaning, amongst other things, they cannot move and fire with the same order. However, mortars are Indirect firers so don’t need to use Advance orders to rotate,   as they don’t have a facing.]


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