Need help making my first bolt action army

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  • #190150
    Stuart Harrison

    @Steve T Re “However, mortars are Indirect firers so don’t need to use Advance orders to rotate,   as they don’t have a facing.]” – Not sure where you’re getting that from about fixed mortars (or any indirect fire shot) not needing an advance order to get a shot into arc.  They have the same requirements as any other ‘fixed’ weapons, they just don’t suffer any -1 ‘to hit’ penalty for the advance order as they use the ranging in process instead, and they can shoot over intervening friendly units (even LOS blocking terrain with the benefit of a spotter).


    Sorry Stuart, that was a typo. meant to say “can’t move and fire”


    Thanks Steve, that’s a good perspective. I figure on bringing a Chaffee in my 1000 point list, and 3D printing a heavy mortar. Also looking at the M20, which is basically a light howitzer as far as I can see. But it would be super easy to 3D print.

    Yeah didn’t think about the rotating rule, I’ll have to keep that in mind.


    Yeah,, I think the M20 is a much better choice, especially if you can get one printed. Can even use it in an anti-tank role. We found pinning tanks up is as good as taking them out most of the time. (Just to preempt the pedants, some vehicles get a chance to ignore pins, see under Vehicles and Pinning).





    Ah gotcha, I think my current plan is to fit a M18 into my 500 point list as a cheap order dice and HE, but on my 750 and 1000 point lists where points is less of a concern then I’ll field a M20.

    I would fit a M20 in my 500 list, but it’s a little tight on points with 3 squads, (one of them vet) a vet sniper, and a heavy mortar.

    Yeah I’ve heard the slogan “pins mean wins”, so I’ll have to rely on that for AT. Plus the Bazooka.

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