New decals for the latest releases

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies New decals for the latest releases


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  • #174805
    Steven Gusky

    I have purchased each of the new box sets and aces for those sets. I can overlook the miscasts, warped wings and all the Fixin’ you have to do to the models to make them presentable and ready to play. What I am having a hard time understanding is why Warlord hasn’t put out Decal Sheets for these new aircraft sets. Does anybody know if they are planning to? The first set of releases had very good decals and they fit the aces that you received. Now if you look on the web there are no P-47D Decal sets no BF-109G western theater sheets or 262 sheets. And regarding my favorite aircraft of all time, the P-40,all I found were two sheets at the miscellaneous miniature site. There is a sheet for a Chinese squadron (not the AVG)and what I am looking forward to using no. 112 squadron RAF kittyhawks. Let me be the first to say that Kevin at miscellaneous miniatures has been nothing but wonderful, thoughtful, and professional. He listens to what you want and does custom work if there is time to do so. I know he is very overworked with what he is producing. From what I purchased from him so far they look great on my aircraft. But why hasn’t Warlord put out any Decal sets at least for the aces such as the 56 Fighter group or the AVG? We really want to get these aircraft on the table but don’t want to do it incomplete fashion without the proper decals for the squadrons we wish to represent. Does anyone know if warlord is planning to put some Decal sheets out? these would really be helpful to us thank
    you for your time.


    I’ve heard nothing. Since the recent staff changes the info on releases has dried up quite a bit unfortunately


    Steven you could try checking Armaments in Miniature, I know they have 1/200 decals.

    I didn’t hear about the staff changes… hopefully they are just teething issues and everything will be back to normal soon.

    Steven Gusky

    I have ordered quite a few decals from that site. The owner Kevin, is really nice and has done some custom work for me too. He has 2 p-40e sets one is for Chinese and the other is what I have -raf kittyhawks for no.112 squadron
    His other p-40 sets are not for an e model
    One is for the p-40 f – very different look and the other is for the P-40N from a group in the CBI (80th) I was just loook g for a good set of E aircraft

    Greg S

    I just got some decals from Miscellaneous Miniatures. They came from the US to the UK in 10 days. Postage was very reasonable.

    They have a very good selection of planes and squadrons.

    Steven Gusky

    Hi Greg…
    Yep, misc miniatures is a great company
    I have so many sets from them
    Kevin, the owner, is a great guy to deal with. He enjoys custom work and is willing to take on any project
    He has only 2 p-40 E sets
    One is for a Chinese group
    One is for no.112 sq Kittyhawks
    Those are the only E variants
    He does have
    A p-40 n set (80th FG)
    A p-40F set. (Checkertail clan)

    I was looking for the 49th fighter group or 23rd fighter group or even one of the squadrons from Defense of the Philippines.
    After that a decent set of p-47d ( 56th fighter group)would be nice
    Kevin just has a d bubble top set
    What I am wondering is why didn’t warlord put out decals for the new sets like they did the first series of planes, they always put together a package of the squadron the ace came from too
    that would’ve been nice

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