Newbie Questions: Aircraft Stuff, Deployment Zones, Firing Arcs

Home Forums Historical Victory At Sea Newbie Questions: Aircraft Stuff, Deployment Zones, Firing Arcs

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  • #182163
    Lord Snotrag

    Hi all.  Just picked up the starter box and went through the rules pamphlet.  Had a couple questions.  Most of them are just me confirming how certain rules are played.  😛

    Aircraft trait “Tough:”  The rule states that it requires two hits from a single AA battery to kill the flight.  I just want to confirm that, even if there are multiple AA guns firing at the same flight, even if every one of them does 1 damage, the flight would live.  So all those “Local 1” with no other AD are not going to touch a Corsair.  :O  Is this correct?

    Carrier aircraft point value:  So, looking at point values on aircraft I came across this line:  “carriers have the maximum number of flights they may carry and the points values of these flights are included in the point value of the carrier.”  Now, when I read it, and showed it to others, they felt that meant the cost of the carrier on the card was a total for the carrier and its flights.  This didn’t trouble me much… until I saw the card for the Essex:  a carrier with 22 flights and only costing 270 points.  Taking into account the only USN flight I’ve seen, the Corsair, that would mean the Essex could provide 550 points of aircraft, and itself, for 270 points.  I’m forced to conclude that the rule may actually mean you add the point cost of the flights to the carrier when determining its cost.  I just want to confirm that this is the case.

    Normal Deployment Zone:  how far in from the sides is the deployment zone?

    Firing Arcs:  What part(s) of the target need to be in the firing arc to be considered within said arc?  Is it any part of the ship?  Any part of the model?  Or just the bridge, which seems to be the primary point of location for ships in the game?  While I can find the arcs designated, I cannot find a specific statement as to what needs to be in the arc to be targetable.

    I’m sure I’ll have more questions once I can actually get a game or two in.  Until then, I’ll be painting.  Thanks in advance for any help offered.  🙂


    Hi Frank,


    I’ve put the facebook group Victory at Sea wardroom’s FAQ up in its own thread which covers a number of questions… but I’ll stress most are unoffical!!!

    However to answer what you’ve asked

    Tough – yes local 1 = impossible to shoot down a tough plane… however DP guns can! (the FAQ has a complete breakdown of how AA works)

    Carrier points – yes at the moment flights carried are FREE.. this may change when the rulebook is release.. but dont forget those 22 flights give up 20 points each  when killed + the 270 for the carrier so if you sink the carrier before the flights have launched thats over 700 points!

    Deployment zones… – no distances are given on the maps personally I’ve gone 12″ in from the corners and 12″ deep deployment

    Firing arcs – everything (except flights touching the model for attacking /local AA) is done from the bridge… so put a quarterd circle on the bridge to see which arc is relavant.


    Nat, just a gamer.. nothing to do with Warlord…

    oh and after talking to the author, its sounding like crits from Devastating weapons do need to be confirmed (ie a 4+ rolled after every 5 & 6 to damage to get a crit)… the FAQ will be changed to reflect this

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Nat.
    Lord Snotrag

    Thanks, Nat.  🙂

    About the firing arcs:  I get where the arcs are drawn from off the shooting vessel.  My concern is:  what part of the target needs to be within that arc for it to be a valid target?  Would that be the bridge as well?  Or does any part of the vessel suffice?  I would think “just the bridge of the target.”  But I wanted to be sure.


    just the bridge.. the relavent part is page 3 where it talks about the bridge being the location of the ship

    Lord Snotrag

    Excellent.  Thank you.  🙂

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