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  • #185407

    @Tobias here:  warlord-community. / resources-victory-at-sea/

    If you take the spaces out of the URL it will take you there (i’ve put them in so the post doesnt have to wait for approval)


    Here they are the MTB & Subs 101’s initial versions…..



    but if i can`t recover with deep deployed carriers, shouldnt i be able to get onto the board to do so in the late game?


    Its a trade off, you lose a small amount of recovery ability (remember you can only recover 2 flights a turn IF you use a scramble order & dont launch any flights) but gain the defensive ability of not being targetable except by enemy flights.

    As per the WL FAQ, you dont give up any VP for being in Deep Deployment… so you opponent HAS to have bomber / Torpedo bomber / Dive Bombers & get them off the table to gain any VP off your Deep Depolyed Carrier.


    I see your point, but i have to see that in a game to work out how this will affect the game, since i now have only the oneshot flights for combat and some dead points off the table. That might help in a victory point game since i wonder if someone brings enough flight firepower to destroy a halfway decent carrier?

    Another question of our gaming circle is about tokens and the movement – tool for people, that dont have the 2 player startbox. Is there some shop to get those?


    you can photo copy /cut out the page at the back of the rulebook that has the tokens on…

    Personally I’m using an old Dystopian Wars 45deg movement tool – doesnt matter what you use so long as it limits the turn of the ship to 45.
    As for the other tokens they are just reminders, so a small puff of smoke or something like the  BA or CS pin markers (the red & blue explosion markers) to put on the ship to remind you it has tokens and a small scrap of paper next to the ship card to keep track of damage / crits /weapon re-loading etc. should do fine


    Hi, thank you for your response.

    I know that i could just copy the page of the book and cut them out but i like the feeling of somethin like plexiglass markers. For many players those things are comfort tools and with them the company has an additional side income.

    Maybe i go and ask a lasercut studio to make me some.


    ah been reminded… (take out the spaces….)


    https:// justlasered. co. uk/ shop/victory-at-sea-tokens-full-set/


    -bleh…. deleted-

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Nat.

    Just some house rules for people to look at based for a competative pickup game…


    house rules document is a nice read, does assume you can actually get people to use something unofficial (this is a issue locally, hard enough to get an “official FAQ” used), and seem to make the game a lot better.

    cheat sheets useful too, oh for games to have a very clear “turn sequence” (ideally with page references)


    Bump so people can find it!


    Here’s a point file with WLPA (Warlord Points Adjusted) which is where we’ve fixed some of the biggest outliers in either being under or Over costed and standardised the cost of vairous upgrades – this eleminates the issue of having the same statline but different costs depending on the ship name within a class.  Plus putting in fixes where the refits dont make sense or are missing data, also a couple of corrections in turret arcs.

    Yes this is unofficial… but we hope that Warlord will notice and authorise it!
    Any feedback please comment here,



    v1.3 of the wardroom cheat sheet…. pretty much all you need to help you play (I feel)

    Yes the formatting could be better, but oh well.


    points list with the new L & M class ships costs included

    plus a number of unofical discord stated Dutch ships ….ready for when they are uploaded

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