Nice Knee-Jerk on the Tiger Fear Warlord…

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    So I feel 80% of the community had issues with TF based on when a PZ4 got the benefit of it.

    Instead of doing the logical thing of knocking it off PZ4s it has now nerfed the last of any benefits to trying to run a big cat.

    Slow-clap. One good German Rule left being Blitzkrieg ..

    Maybe they should have tied TF to the chassis. 9+ 18″, 10+ 30″, 11+ 42″. But hey… Go Warlord!!

    John Duval

    Can I ask where the update came from? Looked all over the site, but can’t find it. Not even finished painting my Panthers yet >< Thanks!


    It seems a rule without sense and without historical relevance, maybe for tournament purposes only.
    I hope it’s not the beginning of the end like with Warhammer.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Steeljackal.
    Tim Haslam

    Can someone elaborate on this for me please.
    I’m looking at the errata and can only find a reference to tiger fear effecting transport.



    Pg. number 3

    “Page 17, Tiger Fear special rule). The first sentence of the rule will be amended as follows:
    All enemy units that are within 12″ of, and have line of sight to, one or more vehicle with the Tiger Fear special rule (see the vehicles section of this army list) suffer from Tiger Fear. Note that the opponent can measure the 12″ range before deciding which order to give to the unit. Units suffering from… […]”


    This change is a big mistake especially for another reason. Allow your opponent to freely pre-measure the board. It leads to abuse. That goes against one of the core mechanics of Bolt Action’s rules


    Knee jerk – The games been out for a couple of years and the change has only just happened, therefore its not a ‘knee jerk’ but rather a look at how to EASILY fix a game play rule. Peoples ideas of linking it to the DV of the vehicle its on would cause 2 issues, 1 is the pre-measure effect, the other is the amount of space and wording it would take to expalin.

    Now on the pre-measure side of life it only allows a pre-measure of 12″ from the tiger fear (TF) unit… so if you are the player with the TF unit I’d bring a nice 12″ rule stick that you place next to the TF unit to stop the un-intentinal cheating.

    The other thing about 12″ is that it is clear and obvious whats outside of it when looking at 24″ or longer ranged AT weapons…other distances not so much.

    So to re-cap, its a game play change to stop its apparent over poweredness… the only time I’ve played against it I was running a Seelow Heights russians list with 2 tanks and 2 Zis3 …so… House /Tournament rule it

    Tim Haslam

    So, summing up,
    Tiger Fear now has a maximum range of 12” instead of infinite?

    It’s a game fix, fair enough.
    If it were my rules, I’d just make units take the test until passed, once this is achieved they no longer “fear”

    I’m a fan of of the rule ethos and background, it was just too good as game rule.

    Tim Haslam

    See my Hungarian buzzsaw saw question too, please!

    Greg S

    I’m glad the rule got nerfed, but it wan’t a great way to do it. (And I play Germans among others).

    , German units in the Hungarian army get all the German special rules. Never mind that buzzsaw, put a German officer in charge!


    So I feel 80% of the community had issues with TF based on when a PZ4 got the benefit of it.

    From the gaming groups I know and talk with, this would be more like 95% of the community.

    I was okay with the Tiger Fear rule, but I support the new Tiger Fear rule. However, the one aspect about it that never made any sense to me was that the Panzer IV G,H,J also has this special rule.

    It is a real shame that Warlord Games did not also add:

    Page 50, Panzer IV G, H, J. Delete the Tiger Fear special rule.

    or at least:

    Page 50, Panzer IV G, H, J. Change Special Rule to read, “- Tiger fear, but only if the Schurzen armour skirts option is taken.


    Personally, I my Germans and for France 1940, and maybe Barbarossa, so I have never had the benefit of that rule, and never had another rule to replace it!


    That is one way to avoid the Tiger Fear rule. Limit all your Bolt Action games to before May 1942.

    From May 1942 and onward, you will see Tiger Fear in Bolt Action games. First in the form of the Panzer IV G, but of course later in the form of the Tiger and other German tanks.


    As you can see, there is nothing to fear from this tiger tank.

    Nothing to fear

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