Operation Gateway Ready

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Operation Gateway Ready


  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #164478

    It’s another hot summer and the drums of war are beating on. Time to check your weapons and ammunition. Time to resupply your troops. Fuel up the tanks and make for the front lines. It’s time for another offensive to begin. Prepare for Operation Gateway Ready!

    S.A.G.A. and Miniature Market are proud to present Operation Gateway Ready, a Bolt Action Tournament. Come on down and get your game on with St. Louis’s premier Bolt Action Tournament. Operation Gateway Ready will be a 24 player, 3 round 1000pt tournament. Theatre selectors from 1944 -1945 will be used for this tournament. 2 platoons and 18 dice max.

    This tournament will be axis vs allies so reserve your spot early. Admission price is $25 which will include prizes, special objectives and lunch on site. In the event of filling up all the spots, we will look to adding more players and dropping the addmission price. Tournament Format:​

    ● Late War 44-45 Theatre selectors only, All army books allowed, No Tank War Lists

    ● No Generic Reinforced Platoons

    ● Two Platoons Allowed

    ● 18 Dice Order Limit

    ● Vehicles cannot hold objectives

    ● No Aircraft, Trains, Boats or War Reporters allowed.

    ● Axis vs Allies

    ● 3 Rounds – 2.25 Hour Rounds, Hard stop time / dice down

    ● Only one free unit allowed per force. ​Example​: British free obeserver for platoon choice. If two platoons are taken, only one free observer will be allowed for entire force.

    ● No New books released after July 30 will be used.

    ● Army Lists shall be submitted 2 weeks prior to tournament for TO Review. Once submitted, that is the force you play. Army list changes shall only be permitted should the original list not be approved by TO. All TO decisions are final.

    ● Early submittal of lists shall gain a bonus point for overall score and game bonus announced at time of event.

    ● Campaign book lists with special rules will be reviewed by the TO prior to tournament day. All TO decisions are final.

    ● Judging for Best Theme/Painted during lunch break.

    ● Blackjack Scoring system for overall scores. Possible 21 points max per round.

    Visit the website to sign up and get more information! http://www.gatewayreadystl.com (Doesn’t work well on mobile)


    Reminder for everyone that Operation Gateway Ready is only a few weeks away! The website is working properly now so sign up and get those lists submitted if you plan on attending!

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