Outflanking Units (-1) or (-2) to Order Test??

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Outflanking Units (-1) or (-2) to Order Test??

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Nat.
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  • #165012
    Mark Prichard

    If a unit is in reserve it must roll an order test at a (-1) in order to come on the table. If a unit is outflanking, it must also roll an order test at a (-1) in order to come on the table. Does that mean a outflanking unit must actually make an order test at a (-2)?

    Greg S

    It is only -1. The reserves rule says you must make an order test at -1 ‘as already described’.


    For completion sakes….you also get some units
    * with an outflank rule that just test on leadership (but they still test at -1 if in normal reserves)

    * eg Russian scouts or British commandos

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