Panzerfaust and other one-shot weapons

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    If a unit has a number of one-shot weapons such as Panzerfausts, are they alloocated to specific soldier, and therefore goes when the carrier dies, or can any other member of the unit pick the unused weapon up?


    They are allocated to the model that has it, just like the LMGs.

    This is why when you use the PZF you are supposed to change the model to one without one. pg 72 of the e-rulebook


    And after the PZF cheating fiasco on the last day of the Adepticon nationals tournament… I expect that rule to be more strictly enforced going forwards…


    let me guess some one had a wondering pzf or two that always where on the last guy in the last unit to be killed?

    invisible officer

    Wow, was there a gigantic prize money? Or a betting fraud?

    I can see no reason to cheat in a wargame. If I win, but know that I did it by cheating, I would not feel like a winner.

    But I’m far away from competition on the gaming table.

    That one has to add markers to prevent cheating, wow. Mistakes, yes, but cheats?


    @Aaron has better information than I do. I was at Adepticon and played in the doubles, but I didn’t play in the Nationals event.

    Anyway, here is a link to his blog recapping the entire event. I actually played against Aaron and you can see a squad of my Foreign Legionnaires in one of the pictures from the Bolt Action Doubles section (although they are pretty far away and taking cover in some palm trees, we lost fair and square, our softskin mounted light howizters were no match for the German LMG fire!)

    Anyway, my understanding was there was one panzerfaust in the German player’s list, but when crunch time came he suddenly had 6 in the right locations, and he fired 4 of them. There was some prize support, which might have contributed to some of the moral transgressions that occurred. I also think it was limited to one person, who likely has a black mark next to his name for future events.

    Anyway. WYSIWYG is what separates us from the animals. Well that and good dental hygiene.



    I must admit I normally go WYSIWYG as I forget what I have :p .. although I do have HMGs on my tanks and then not take them in the list all the time :s … however I do go over my list with my opponent and (although not played tournaments in any game systems for while) try and give them a list to look at during the game.


    Hi thanks for the replies. question not related to any competition.

    Up until now I have only played early/migd wat where these fancy weaons did not exists. As my group is just moving into late war I wanted to make sure we got this right first time.

    With all other weapons, the solider has what he has (i.e someone else can’t pick up his assault rifle when he dies), so it makes sense= to me that the weapons stays with the original figure.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by arcole.

    sorry @arcole for the off topic discussion about tournament ramifications… (oops!)

    But yeah, one-shot weapons are limited to the model that is carrying it & cant be ‘picked up’ by anther model should the carrier be killed off either by you (controlling player) or your opponent (exceptional damage). And when used you are supposed to replace the model with one that doesnt have the weapon.

    There are a number of ‘house rules’ that limit who /what can be picked out by exceptional damage (artillery /machine guns) which could be expanded to one-shot weapons if you wanted.

    Vincent tume

    For what it’s worth, soldiers loaded down with additional kit loose speed, agility and endurance and (more important) not everyone is equally familiar with a weapon they might pick up. I’d suspect, in a US Infantry squad, the bazooka and platoon machine gun crew members couldn’t be replaced by a rifleman.

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