Peerless Armoured Car?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Peerless Armoured Car?

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    Tim Haslam

    Weird question,
    I’m building up a Greek force for 1940 period.
    I’m looking at the Peerless armoured car as what little google research I’ve done makes it a fun and unusual addition.
    Plus I’ve found a cool model available.
    My question is concerning the ‘paired’ twin mmgs.
    All my research leads to a vehicle with two separate turrets which should mean I could fire at two targets, similar to a tank with a hull and co-ax mmg.
    However the stat line reads that they are paired and has 10 shots.

    This is just a question, I’m NOT having a moan about it, and besides when playing Bolt Action it’s highly likely I’ll want to shoot all 10 shots at one unit for maximum effect.
    Nope I’m just being inquisitive and a little confused.


    Alan Hamilton

    Tim, my reading of the Greek campaign mentions the Greeks having Vickers-Peerless Armoured Cars. These do not have turrets but between 1 and 3 Machine guns, see Blog on Greek Armoured cars

    Greek Peerless armored car
    There is confusion because the same name is used for the Austin built Peerless Armoured Car with twin turrets and this one which was really an APC with open top with mesh cover or sloping armoured roof. Even more confusing is that the Greek one looked like the Lancia APC as they are similar in appearance.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Alan Hamilton. Reason: spelling corrected
    invisible officer

    A minute faster 😉

    The Greek one was constructed in some variants. With the tent shape Roof shown by Alan or with an open one with a mesh cover against Hand grenades.

    It was converted from the 1920 Peerless for the Greek Police and became Military by Takeover 1939.

    Tim Haslam

    Thanks guys.
    That makes sense now!
    Humm… so I need to do a conversion of some sort?
    Any suggestions as to where to start?

    I was looking at the 1st Corps 1:48 scale Austin armoured car. I prefer the slightly bigger scale. But wouldn’t rule out 1:56 scale either.

    Tim Haslam

    A lancia armoured car may be the place to start?

    Alan Hamilton

    Lancia APC in MDF by Warbases

    Musketeer miniatures made one but I do not know if anyone now produces it.

    Tim Haslam

    Yeah, I was looking last night.
    The warbases one in MDF seems cheerful enough.
    It’ll need a roof making though.

    Also found one from shapeways, but it’s a download for a printer, which sadly I don’t have.

    Tim Haslam

    I’ve ordered the Warbases Lancia, so let’s see how that turns out?

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