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  • #189621
    Paul tysoe

    In a game earlier today, it was suggested that penetration only applies against armoured targets. Ie flamethrowers or heavy weapons do not count penetration against soft targets or infantry.


    I have always played penetration counts against all targets as per page 61.

    Arty Gun

    Of course, penetration counts for all targets. This makes up for the difference between being hit by a pistol round, and a bazooka round.


    What about a bazooka or a panzerfaust (hollow charges)? Can they shooting against infantry? How would it work?

    Arty Gun

    Yes, bazooka and Panzer Faust can shoot at infantry. Unless you rule a one to wound, which is always  unsuccessful, that soldier will be dead if it was hit by one of these weapons in the game. Real life, infantry soldier would’ve been blowing apart, and his friends will be looking for his dog tags in the goo.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Arty Gun.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Arty Gun.
    L.T. Russell

    In our recent Konflikt 47 league, I used Panzerschreck teams to blow up Russian Ursus infantry and an American player used Bazookas on some of my Nacht Alben.  Penetration makes it easier to kill everything….

    Stuart Harrison

    Penetration, the weapon stat, applies vs all targets as you stated – P61, second sentence of the definition. What doesn’t apply except when heavy weapons hit armoured targets is the pen modifiers (side, rear, top, long range) from p106-7, Vehicles, Shooting At Vehicles, Damage vs Armoured Targets.

    Aidan Degg

    Yeah I believe it counts against all things. If it didn’t there wouldn’t be a great deal of point in the HMG vs the MMG.


    Yes, penetration works on infantry.

    Otherwise, Vets with body armor is awful to get through

    invisible officer

    In real life there had been splinter rings to fix to the Panzerfaust head.  So it could be used like an HE grenade too.     The PIAT was even better for that role. With no backblast safe to use in rooms or trenches.

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