Poor Skirmishers with BP2

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    Hi All,

    This Saturday I am having my first bash with BP2 and using A Clash of Eagles. In a CoE most of the Russians are classed as “Poor Skirmishers” which removes the +1 to fire that Skirmishers had in the original BP rules. In BP2, skirmishers no l;onger get this fire bonus anyway. Has anyone developed house rules to give “Poor Skirmisher” some negative effect to the Russians? I’m tempted to omit the BP2 change to skirmisher fire, and play the original rule. Has anyone got any thoughts?



    I think the new BP2 combined with CoE are the best Napoleonic rules out there. But one problem as you point out is sequencing. A supplement may no longer directly relate to an updated version of rules.

    I think the easiest solution is simply extend the “sharpshooter” rule to regular skirmishers and deny it to poor skirmishers. I think of the “sharpshooter” useful rule to mean “aimed fire” and the “poor skirimisher” rule to reflect not the inability to skirmish, but either inferior weapons or weapon training.

    I would not omit the BP2 change. In our last two games we did and light infantry battalions in the new Light Infantry Mixed formation simply tore apart their line infantry counterparts using the new Light Infantry Mixed formation. Sticking to the “sharpshooter” benefit and the skirmish order benefit when receiving fire seems enough of an advantage.

    Big Al

    But that would make all other skirmishers more effective (you are effectively going back to BP, as Ben has suggested, anyway). Instead, it might be better to just keep the Poor Skirmishers with a -1 to shooting. This makes them inferior to most other nations’ skirmishers and still allows players to use the “Sharpshooters” rule without making them too powerful.

    What I mean, Mike, is that your suggestion is making units like riflemen unavailable just to allow the Russians to have their “poor skirmishers”.


    Thanks for the replies.

    Yes it is a problem that giving Sharpshooters to all skirmishers nullifies the bonus to the elite light infantry.
    I also feel giving them -1 to shoot would result in them not being used as skirmishers.
    I have considered making Poor Skirmishers reroll 1 successful hit. This wouldn’t be too powerful, while still giving them a disadvantage. Thoughts?



    Al, technically the Poor Skirmisher rule was not that you got -1 to hit, but you did not get the +1 for being skirmishers.

    So my friend arrived at the same place you did, but in a different way. He suggested just drop the “Poor Skirmisher” rule, since it does not really have a place in BP2 since skirmishers get no bonus.

    Apply the Russian infantry fire rule outlined on pg. 35 of Clash of Eagles to skirmishers as well. Meaning they don’t get the +1 for close range and suffer a -1 to Hit at other ranges. This ends up at the same place Al is suggesting by applying a -1 to hit on Russian skirmishers without impacting non Russian units. It also makes sense since what they are suggesting is that Musketeers and Grenadiers were bad shots no matter what formation they were in…

    Note: this rule only applies to Musketeer and Grenadier units.

    Big Al

    That sounds like a great idea, Ben! I would go with that. As you say, it is neither too powerful nor too weakening and It won’t stop players taking skirmishers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Big Al.

    Thanks again. I will go with the reroll of a die.

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