Price Disparity

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Nat.
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  • #189669
    Brett Morris

    I’m trying to figure out why there is such a huge price disparity between UK prices and ROW prices.

    I was hoping to purchase a couple of French Char 2C Tanks. The UK price is 55 GBP each, which is $105 AUS. The ROW price is $88 US each, which is $134 AUS. A difference in pricing of nearly $30 AUS per vehicle.



    Richard C


    As a fellow Aussie I feel you pain, I don’t buy my figs anymore I print them. The distributor here in AUD treats as if we are mugs (and we aren’t 40K players) 🙂

    Warlords need to stop treating AUD and NZ like it’s treasure island. I have a whole DoW 1812 army ready to print from a great graphic artist. The figs and poses are better than any plastics from the major players. Each Kickstarter the numbers are increasing, the message to Warlords: Customers are your business, don’t be lazy with distribution model as Hornby are as well, putting eggs in one basket in a region breeds complacency and in the end harms your business. What % of your OZ distributor sales are Warlord Games, why is he going to care about your stuff? Make the effort to sort out the region and your sales will grow!

    Nigel C

    Yeah, New Zealander, I haven’t ordered from Warlord since the change to the ROW system. Just checked and it would cost me $106 NZD to get a Hetzer. Absurd.


    I am a US customer. I used an incognito browser page and logged into my account on the British Warlord site. Once I added the items I wanted and went to check out the website said it could not ship to my address. I get that if US customers spend over $100 they get free shipping but that doesn’t make up for the 20-25% markup over GBP prices. I am happy to pay a fair price to support a company I love but it sure seems like price gouging. Am I missing something?

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Damond.

    Going to make some (educated*) guess, but theres a lot of overheads that a UK company will have to pay for sending goods outside of the UK- so they spread the costs over all the individual items….

    These overheads include

    Import /export taxes – even to & from the EU now!
    Exchange rate at the time the prices are set – if the Pound is weak against the dollar when the prices are set (they’re not reviewed across the board for periods of time) then the disparity will look worse
    Actual Ship Shipping rate costs – these are for ever changing, it very rare that even repeat regular large scale shipping gets block rates, they’re often worked out per sailing.  So if the average comes down after the prices are set the excess is used to improve the buisness  so they dont have to raise the prices when the average per sailing costs go up (ps air freight can have large disparities in cost & is more expensive for heavy or bulky items)

    Now ironically a big company like GW can get lower overhead costs because they are shipping constantly, and small companies (rather than the medium size that is WL) will send that sporadically that their costs are noticeably lower as well…. so yeah WL are too big to slip through any tax /import nets and to small to negotiate lower rates.

    *I work in a medium size manufacture in the UK and the wife deals with maritime and aviation accounts for a satellite communications provider.

    The company I work for sends probably between half a dozen & a score of shipments abroad a month & we have a full time export clark … for WL to deal with each individual shipment to each individual country rather than block cost shipping (and taking a hit on some of these – hoping that the average over the month works out in credit to WL (so they have money left over) it would take a team of export clarks and ironically the increase overheads in manpower costs would actually drive the costs of some of those boxes UP not down).

    • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Nat.
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