Question about orders

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    I was watching a BP video on youtube and it confused me some from what I’ve read in the 2nd edition BP rules.

    I understand a brigade order is from the general to the entire brigade. It is only one die roll for the whole brigade.

    However, one can also order battalions individually.

    So, here is my confusion. Let’s say I have a brigade with 3 battalions. I understand that if I want to order each one separately I can do that. if one of them fails their order role it won’t affect the other two.

    However, in this video it seemed to imply that if you role for one unit and fail then you can’t roll for the any other battalions after that. So, the first battalion, passes and makes it’s move. The second battalion fails and can’t. However, now I can’t roll for the 3rd battalion because the 2nd failed. That doesn’t make sense to me as these are separate orders. Is this wrong, yes?


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by George.
    Big Al

    Ok, so here is how it works. Your brigade commander (brigadier) can issue an order to each unit individually, or his entire brigade as a single order (there are conditions to that). If he tries to order a single unit and fails the roll. That is his command phase over. Other units within his brigade could be given an order by the army general, depending on which rules you are using for Commanders. That last sentence is the way Commanders worked in BP1 and you can continue to use that in BP2, but there’re is now another option for your General and that could be where the confusion comes in.

    If using the new rules for Commanders and the general, then that is it for your brigade once your brigadier has failed his order. However, within the new rules, there is a chance of a reprieve. If the failing brigadier is within range of the General, he might be able to use the General’s reroll. If you use this option and the reroll succeeds, the brigadier can continue as if nothing has happened.

    I recommend that you turn to the section on Commanders and read that. It might put the video into perspective. Really, it might have been better to put the section on Commanders immediately after the section on the Command Phase or perhaps just before it.

    Be wary of some of the tutorial videos. While they are good, some include rules from the supplements and give the impression that they are the actual rules. They are not, they are just suggested additions and alternatives that may be period specific or just to replace existing rules. It is not wrong, but it can confuse because you will not find them in the main rules. Also, while the supplements still work with BP2, they were written with BP1 in mind. There have been some changes in BP2 that make some of the rule suggestions in the supplements obsolete. Some of those suggestions have been included in the main rulebook, too.

    Don’t forget that we are always here to help should you have any further questions.


    Thank you Big Al,

    I appreciate the response. I kept reading the rules section on command and generals and couldn’t find where it said a general can’t order troops after he fails an order check found it:

    Page 29, 3rd Column, “If a commander fails to give an order then that commander cannot give any more orders that turn.” I don’t know what I was originally thinking when I read that paragraph.


    Im finding that some of the rules havent gone in due to lack of gaming

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