Quick rules questions about Pikes

Home Forums Historical SPQR Quick rules questions about Pikes


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  • #165871

    Hi folks,

    In the ‘Very Long’ rule for Pikes it states that if the enemy wins a round of close combat against the unit with the very long weapon it can’t be used for the rest of the combat.

    How do you determine who wins a combat round?

    As a follow up question in the melee rules it says that each model in the attacking unit (and defending) makes a melee check with their melee dice – is this the entire unit or only those that can get into contact with the enemy? If it’s the former it explains the price of hoplites but if it’s the latter it would make choke points behave very strangely (potentially 30 people stabbing through a doorway).

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by MrZakalwe. Reason: Question 2

    I think who wins a round is just number of wounds caused.
    It is, I believe, the whole unit.


    I agree with Gordon on both. The first answer is also in the v1 FAQ.

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