Recommendations for New Warlord ACW Epic products

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Recommendations for New Warlord ACW Epic products

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  • #190634

    Hello Warlord designers,

    I hope you read these posts as well as players.

    As you develop Epic ACW figures here is what I would hope you will make. Please take notes.

    1. U.S. Colored Troops – Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. Facial features of “white” soldiers don’t match those of “black” soldiers. i.e. They don’t have zz top beards.

    2. Sailors & Marine boarding parties. Sailors should have battalions armed with long guns and another battalion of sailors armed with swords and pistols.

    3. Observation balloon unit

    4. Different styles of artillery pieces and limbers

    5. Warships/Ironclads/Transports for battles along rivers.

    6. Infantry, artillery, and cavalry that only wear kepis

    7. Infantry wearing kepis and frock coats

    8. Infantry, artillery and cavalry that only wear brimmed hats.

    That’s my take. Gives you plenty of material to further develop your product.




    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by George.
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