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  • #137462
    Andy Lilof

    Today’s Bolt Action newsletter features much on D Day, appropriately, and makes reference to the Overlord museum. Well today I was there too and I can recommend it. Lots of exhibits to interest anyone who has any kind of interest in the Normandy campaign.
    A few pictures to wet the appetite.
    Me outside….ok that’s not an attraction!
    Big mobile crane for armour field repairs
    Auster artillery spotter plane ( one of these would be nice in 1.56….Just saying 😉)
    And the Hitlerjungend display.
    Also learned that there were Maultier in Normandy. There’s one inside. All the displays are locally sourced and there is photo evidence of the one they have in Falaise.

    Andy Lilof

    If you come at this time of year you’re also likely to find events a the site.
    Today- modelling display, and lots of vehicles, you’ll be sick of the sight of jeeps but you do get a few unusual ones too.
    Universal carrier ( there’s a Lloyd carrier inside – one of those in 1.56 would also be nice…..Just saying😁) m5 and a Chaffee – ok that one isn’t in keeping with the campaign but it’s still cute.
    Couple of German trucks including a Citroen in panzer Lher markings.

    And as shown in the newsletter article…on top of a great selection of books ( they do those really well here) yes you can get bolt action kits there. That’s where my Pegasus bridge set came from last year ( a purchase decision fuelled by red wine…not me I was duty driver!)
    This year? The New US infantry, well it is very near Omaha, and a shiwmwagen.
    There are loads of great museums here, more than you can do justice of in one trip, but this one is a good one for an overall view of the campaign…Oh and it hosts the odd Bolt Action tournament…like this coming weekend.

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