Home Forums Historical Cruel Seas RMI MS CRDA

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    Just received the starter box and the RMI fleet box.

    When I order these I did not realise that the Motosilurante CRDA was in the RMI list and is apparently an italien version of the E-Boats. I have not found any decent pictures of them yet, so the question is, can I use the S38/S100 from the starter box, and how much modification would I need to do on the hulls?


    invisible officer

    The Italian MS ones are 6 m shorter than S 38. The model was the 1941 taken Yugo type, they followed Type S- S 5.

    The Isotta engines caused a different surface structure-The Bridge was different too.

    So I(O) would say, no. 😉


    The length might not be that noticeable on the tabletop, while i know 2 cm is alot at this scale.
    Its much more noticeable, that the German S-boats had a raised forecastle post S18, the yugoslav and italian boats had no raised forecastle.

    invisible officer

    Some of the later war MS had a raised forecastle but the torpedo tubes got not encased (In all ???) . Unfortunately the known pics are often undated, so conversion date is a ?????
    May be done by the Germans on the ones finished by them.

    Length, I just sold a German WW II made Schnellboot patriotic toy because it was much too short for the Bridge and bow section it had. I got a nice price because it had spring operated tubes. Firing Bakelit “plastic” torpedoes.

    A strange mix between 1/200 and 1/350 elements. Nice as a joke in game (real Torpedo hits….) but the buyer wanted it so much……


    Thanks for the replies all

    Andrew Brown

    Hi, with reference to the Italian MS boat I enclose the following diagrams and photos, which should give you an idea of what these boats look like. Hope it helps


    Thanks Andrew, those are great!

    I have also found this: which, if I had a 3D printer would be good. One of those things I have been thinking about for a while, so now maybe the time to dip the toes in the water!


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by arcole.
    Dave Holden

    Heroics & Ros do an early S Boat which is shorter than the Warlord ones and looks pretty similar to these Italian ones.


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks. I will look at them when their web site is back up!



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