Rocket rules

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  • #174709
    Cat Shot One

    does anybody know how the „Rockets“ equipment card from Falcon Squadron works?
    I would like to try arming my defenders of Schweinfurt with them.


    I don’t have the “rockets” equipment card so I can’t be sure about the specifics. However, if they are for ground attack then you could use them in accordance to the air strike rules.

    You can choose to expend strafing ordnance (i.e. rockets, etc.) while performing a strafing attack. The aircraft gets +2 to its firepower for this attack only (the equipment is one use). The aircraft also counts as “Laden” until this ordnance is expended.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Jesse.

    Rules for “Laden aircraft”

    It is a temporary negative trait in play until the aircraft expends its payload.

    -Pilots of laden aircraft suffer -1 to pilot skill.*
    -Forward firepower may not be used (although turrets can still shoot)*
    -Laden aircraft reduce their speed by 1 (50mph)
    -Laden aircraft may not climb for advantage if an enemy is within 18″.

    *Penalty does not apply while expending ordnance to make an attack.

    Cat Shot One

    Thanks Jesse. I got my copy of Air Strike the other day, so I know the newest version of the strafing ordnance & laden rules (and I find the forward FP rule a bit harsh while I like the addition of the 18″ zone for climbing).
    Now since Falcon Squadron came out much earlier than Air Strike, I suspect the Rockets equipment card to be an air-to-air weapon like the Soviet RS-82
    but I may be wrong.
    Does anybody know for sure?

    Cat Shot One

    There once was an article on a beta rockets card

    Did the final version turn out like that?


    Sorry forget to check my one last night (again!)

    However going off memory, yes its a flat addition to FP for the first attack at a cost of 15 points (?) per plane. So could be used either against ground targets or large flying targets.


    Personally I really like the laden rule that does not allow forward FP to be used. Note that (at least the way I interpret it) it does not say the plane cannot shoot, it will just be a much less effective shot using only pilot skill (at -1 also due to the laden rule).

    With all that ordnance weighing the aircraft down I could only imagine the massive effect it would have on dogfighting effectiveness. In effect only allowing them to take potshots when an aircraft crossed their path. From personal accounts I have read even the attachments on the underside of the wing left after the ordnance had been expended significantly effected the aircrafts speed and maneuverability.

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