Rules Careless Charge

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  • #166511

    Careless Charge: Use: Action (Melee)
    The Hero and his unit charge forth with wild abandon, and may double their Move characteristic for a single Melee action to reach an enemy unit. However, the unit being charged can perform an immediate and free Shoot action against the Hero and his unit.

    Unit A initiates a Careless Charge 11″ away from Unit B, who happen to be armed with rocks, having a maximum range of 10″. Will Unit B have an opportunity to perform their free shot?

    RAW would be “no” due to the timing window and range but I am wondering if more of a covershot effect was intended?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Tokhuah.

    I would assume that any unit being the victim of a careless charge would be able to shoot regardless of weapon or range, though I grant that the use of the word “immediate” might suggest otherwise in the case you mention.


    Other games use a similar ruling because units are running into the ranged shot. I believe GW calls it overwatch, though if memory serves, their implementation is you need an unmodified 6 to hit. I can see both sides of the argument and will go with whatever the rules gods say. I am just trying to clean up additional fodder for in-game rules arguments. It will also change the viability of Careless Charge as an option.


    This question was not answered in the second FAQ or here. How can I get an official clarification?

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