Rules Questions

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  • #153827

    As I realized that not everyone prints in colour, here is an updated diagram.
    diagram v3

    Previous versions and alternate formats are available here


    Few questions here:

    It never crossed my mind until last Friday’s during a demo I made:
    Normal move: half speed to full speed forward then up to 45° turn
    Manoeuvre: normal move with end up to 45° replaced by anytime up to 180° turn
    Dive: normal move with an extra 6″ for speed.

    My first question is: does Dive negate end turn?
    I don’t think so but when asked I couldn’t be affirmative about this.

    My second question is: does the amended planes’ values published in the tournament’s rules are considered as a rule book errata (it was not mentioned in the FAQ).


    Rules for Dive (paraphrased) say add 6″ of speed to the aircrafts max speed… and thats it!… So for example speed 6″ becomes 12, which means half speed would now be 6 before your 45 turn.

    for points values… not seen that linked file, however Andy was talking about certain aircraft points being wrong (Yak1 for example) so I would take it as an errata. Also there is a FB post by Andy saying he would release a 2nd document with points value revisions in.


    That’s how I understood it but I have to admit that as I never wondered myself before I had to ask.

    Nice to hear that there is a V2 incoming.

    Cat Shot One

    When can we roughly expect version 2? Is this going to be a free PDF or part of something else?

    Mark Barker

    Like Koin-Koin, a couple of ‘just checking my thinking’ queries.

    1. With Defensive Tactics, you face your aircraft before shooting is resolved. So if you turn to bring the aircraft that is attacking you into your front arc, it becomes a head-on shot and because shooting is simultaneous you get to fire back.

    2. Ace skill cards are unique because they can be played on an arciraft during its activation as well as an aircraft trait card. So with the rather spiffing “Blackout Master” that comes with Douglas Bader, if I pass the manoeuvre test to be able to turn 90 degrees and play ‘Tight Turn’ as well, I can take the 90 degree turn at any part of my move rather than just at the end.

    Do I have these right ?

    Best wishes,



    Hi Mark, yeah thats how I read both as well.


    Hi Mark,

    Same as Nat for me.

    Andy Chambers

    Future plans: I’m currently working on a supplement under the title ‘Air Strike’ for release this year as a paper product with cards etc and our plan is to include the rules from the starter set in that along with expanded rules covering, well, air strikes. That’ll give me the chance to tighten down some of the rules and explain things at greater length, but I wouldn’t call it a V2 as there won’t be any fundamental changes to how the game works (must…resist). so basically Air Strike will clarify the BRS core rules and then introduce a load of crazy new stuff that will doubtless need clarification. At that point we’ll probably be about ready for a 2nd edition/V2 ruleset. I think when Air strike comes out it might be a good time to put the full starter set rules out as a free PDF.


    Thanks a lot for all these informations about Air Strike.


    more thanks for the info on ‘air strike’

    Cat Shot One

    Great news indeed. Andy, can I tease you in naming a very rough release period (I don’t dare to say date)? Summer? Autumn? Christmas?

    Andy Chambers

    If I get my finger out we’re looking at Summer.

    Mark Barker

    You will notice Andy did not say which year !

    This is traditional in aviation – all big orders and government to government deals are aimed for ‘release at Farnborough’ or ‘will be announced at the Paris Air Show’, you just never commit to which year !

    Mark Barker

    Oh, and ‘Air Strike’ was used for the air-to-ground follow-up to JD Webster’s original ‘Air Superiority’ game ? As GDW aren’t around any more (spot the boardgamer here) I doubt anyone will sue but companies can get twitchy about names that have already been used. Don’t know if this is a factor for Warlord, but just thought I’d mention.

    Andy Chambers

    GDW is defunct and Air Strike has been out of print for more than thirty years so I think we’ll be ok. Full title will be ‘Blood Red Skies: Air Strike’ anyway.

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