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  • #142406
    Stuart Harrison

    If you see p37, (The Turn, Turn Sequence, Orders Phase, 2. second sentence, “Once a unit has been given an order it cannot be given another order that turn.”) there is a blanket rule preventing units receiving multiple orders. You men snap to it doesn’t include any exception to that. If it did, you would then have units not activated at the end of the turn (their order dice already used as a second dice for someone else). Remember, “you men snap to it” doesn’t provide additional dice, it brings forward dice instead of waiting for them to be drawn at random from the bag.

    Mark Stanoch

    Thank you for the prompt and precise clarification. I will make a note of this.


    You may take a jeep as a transport / tows option per infantry unit in most American (and great Britain) theatre selectors … if you add a mmg for +15 points it loses its transport ability … it is then a > ? < Selection in your force list …

    It should not still take up a transport slot but is not identified as an armored car slot ether …

    Wishful thinking outside the bubble but a mmg team mounted in a jeep or kubelwagon could be taken as a the weapon upgrade for the vehicle (in some lists) keeping the mmg slot much like a Horch 1A field car with flack 38 in an artillery slot in a few german force listd (death on volga / rommel triumphant) …

    Came up thinking about a motorcycle with mmg sidecar, a few kradschutzen squads , officer in a kubelwagon, 1 or 2 AA mmg kubelwagon, and a squad or two in trucks… early war or Normandy patrol …

    Master Chief

    I think the answer to your jeep question is that it is legally still a transport. Jeeps can only transport 3-man command units, 3-man (mmg) and 2-man (sniper, bazooka, flamethrower, light mortar) weapons teams.

    The jeep cannot transport a 6-man US infantry squad unit, but as per the rules written you can still choose one jeep per 6-man infantry squad unit. Hence the jeep in such case is pretty useless eye candy on the board. Upgrading it with mmg at least puts it to some use. One of the local players here likes to zoom around the board with mmg jeeps shooting at infantry. I am pretty sure that’s not the primary purpose of jeeps, except maybe the SAS jeeps. Otherwise mmgs on jeeps primarily serve to defend itself from infantry attacks when jeeps transport officers to and from the front line.

    The way to look at it is that the jeep is still classified as a “transport” type as in “armoured car”, “tank”, “artillery”, but has no transport capacity to carry anyone except the gunner.

    Stuart Harrison

    Incorrect assumption here:

    “It should not still take up a transport slot but is not identified as an armored car slot ether …”

    It does not take up a transport slot, it does take up the armoured car slot.

    p153, Force Selection Rules, second to last para, first sentence – “… it no longer counts as a transport/tow for the purposes of force selection, but either as an armoured car if…”

    You are talking about force selection, which is precisely when it is counted as an armoured car.

    That rule was introduced to get rid of the multiple MG jeep spam you used to be able to field with the armed jeeps in most of your transport slots.

    Master Chief

    Ah good, missed that one, so now my local player cannot zoom around with too many jeeps on the board.


    Missed that too … jeep / kubelwagon spam would be broke, will have to review main book force selection …

    Master Chief

    Does anyone have the rule reference page where it says a squad is automatically destroyed if it is reduced to one man? Thanks.

    Stuart Harrison

    No as there is no such rule – the closest is a misunderstanding of the term “wiped out to a man” in the close quarters “Loser is Destroyed” heading.

    Actual meaning – wiped out with even the last man killed. Misinterpretaion – almost wiped out with the last man remaining.

    Another possibility it they’re confusing it with the loss of the benefits of Fanatic if reduced to one man – that could result in the unit being removed if it was the loser in close quarters. In that case it’s not the fact of being one man that kills the unit – it’s being the loser in close quarters and not having the fanatic safety net.

    Master Chief

    Thanks Stuart. That’s what I thought, I don’t recall seeing any rule like that, but thought to check. I couldn’t find anything after going through the rulebook, thought I might have missed something. Thanks again!


    Question regarding bazookas and panzershreks. Can they fire at infantry and if so how is a hit resolved?


    Master Chief

    It should be resolved in the same way as normal shooting … roll D6 (since bazookas and panzerschreks are one shot) with 3+ to hit adding any applicable “To-hit” modifiers, and if hit roll D6 to damage with Pen +5 for bazooka (+6 for Panzerschreks). Basically this means if hit the infantry unit will definitely lose one man as rolling a 1 for damage will result in a 6 for a bazooka and 7 for a panzerschrek.

    Stuart Harrison

    Close but not quite, Master Chief – you forgot that a one on the die to hit or a one on the die to damage is automatically a fail. Other than that, spot on. (p54, Shooting, Roll to Hit, Hit Modifiers, first para, last sentence for ‘to hit’, p56, Shooting, Roll to Damage, first Para, last sentence for ‘to damage’.

    Master Chief

    Hmm, I knew a D6 roll of 1 to hit is always a miss, but didn’t know it applied to damage as well. I see it on page 56 now. Thanks!


    Thank you so they still have a use when there job is done.

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