Rules Questions

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    Master Chief

    I am planning to try out reserves and outflanking in my next game and this came up. I have an inexperienced US 1st Lieutenant and 2 regular squads in reserve. I order the 1st Lieutenant to take an order test to come onboard on Turn 2. His order test is 10 or less (his +2 bonus applies to himself), and the -1 penalty for reserves does no apply to US soldiers. At the same time I declare to use his “You Man Snap to Action” ability and order the 2 squads to come onboard as well.

    Assuming the officer successfully comes onboard. Do the 2 squads take their Order test at 9 or 11 (with the officer’s +2 bonus)? Technically it is 9 or 10 since the maximum morale is 10.

    The intention is for the 2 squads to come onboard within 6 inches of the officer.

    Master Chief

    On re-reading page 83 “You Men Snap to Actuon”, I realised the officer’s bonus will apply to units within 6 inches of him, hence only to units already on board. I guess I answered my own question 🙂

    Stuart Harrison

    He also can’t affect units already on the board if moving onto the table that turn – orders are allocated before any units, including the officer himself, start their actions. By the time he moves on the board, the option to use “You men snap to action” has already been and gone.

    If you want the officer to help get units on the table, put them in a transport together – his morale bonus applies to the transport if he’s on it, then once the transport is on the table they can use their next order to disembark (note, the officer can’t use “You men snap to action” while embarked, so you will need to draw a die for each normally).

    Master Chief

    Haha I could have sworn I didn’t see this last sentence of the section on page 83 for “You men snap to action” …

    “Note that officers in reserve (see page 132) cannot use this special rule.” Dang I was so close 🙂

    Jacob Mayer

    Two questions

    1. I have shirkers as part of my first wave. It states that first wave troops do not have to take motivation tests to enter the board in the scenario rules. Typically, shirkers must make a test when given an order. Does the shirker unit in the first wave have to test to come on the board? If the shirker unit is in normal reserves, how many tests must it make to enter the board?

    2. A linear terrain feature (a hedge in this case) is 1.25 inches wide. A unit wishes to cross said hedge but all models do not have sufficient movement to make it completely across. Does the unit need to remain entirely behind the hedge to maintain coherency? Can the unit cross as long as they stay as close together as the terrain allows? Can a unit stand on the obstacle to maintain coherency?

    Thank you in advance.

    Rex Withers

    Hi all, trying to work through and learn the rules for artillery observer. I had a hit on an armoured troop carrier vehicle and I am not sure I have it right. There was a huge number of dice rolls and I had to refer to I think 5 different sections in the rulebook to work out the outcome.

    This is what I think i understand:

    Roll D6 to see if the barrage comes in (page 84)
    If result is 4-6 then Roll D6+6″ for the blast radius
    Roll a die for each unit friend and enemy, within the blast radius.
    Result 1-5 D3 pin markers
    Result 6: On a result of 6 the unit takes a hit from a heavy howitzer – place a 4″ HE template on the target unit in the same way as for HE shells and resolve hits with a pen value of +4. (from the table on page 84)

    **If it’s a vehicle: (from Page 107)
    The vehicle itself takes a single hit, as the unit consists of a single model – roll just once to damage the vehicle using the Pen value of the shell (see page 70)…

    **If it’s an infantry squad: (from page 69)
    Count the number of models whose bases are under the template (even partially) – that is the number. Each unit hit suffers a number of hits equal to the number of its models that are under the template.

    So my actual question is:
    Is there no actual “to hit” roll for the ** sections above as the previous steps have already determined hit or miss? You just roll the damage? The phrase “resolve hits with a pen value of +4” seams ambiguous to me?


    Stuart Harrison

    Yes, hits have already been determined as you describe above – you roll a D6 “to damage” for each hit adding 4 to the result (the pen value). For infantry, this will mean that anything but a 1 will kill even veterans (a natural 1 on a “to damage” roll is an automatic fail). Against the vehicle, you have D6 +4 (the pen) +1 (pen modifier for a top hit).

    Master Chief

    I have never used Shirkers but if I read it correctly it seems they take 2 Order tests for coming onboard normally … one for being Shirkers and one for coming onboard. If the scenario says they do not need the 2nd order test they will still have to take the first one for being Shirkers.

    I think the unit should stop behind the hedge or obstacle, but it could depend on whether more models had crossed the hedge than those who could not. It definitely should not end with some models standing on top of it.

    Rex Withers

    Great stuff, thanks. On vehicles you then roll on the vehicles damage chart if you do damage the vehicle?

    Stuart Harrison

    Rex Withers – yes. Damage to a vehicle = roll on damage results table.

    @ Jacob – it’s only ever one orders test. The shirkers rule requires that they always take that test even when the normal trigger is missing. As they are being given an order to come on from first wave and there is no exception stated for that, they need to test.

    Re straddling a wide obstacle with a unit, The only provision for members of a unit to exceed their max move is in an assault – any other circumstance you’re going to be limited by your rear-most man and the coherence rule. Using a bridge man on the obstacle isn’t necessarily against the rules but looks poor on the table – it also has your unit both sides of the obstacle which will probably cost you the benefit of defending that obstacle if the enemy assault you. You will also be restricted to an Advance next turn whichever direction you need to move as someone is going to have to cross the obstacle.


    Not having a copy of tank war (yet) I was wondering if you can build armored car platoons in the same form as tank platoons ?

    If so it opens up a lot of possibilities for desert encounters …

    Gerry Brawley

    You can build A/C platoons in Tank Wars.

    Stuart Harrison


    The Tank Wars selector three compulsories and two additional vehicles are from “Tank, Tank Destroyer, Assault Gun, Self Propelled Artillery, Anti Aircraft Vehicle, and Armoured Car.”

    You could use it to build a platoon using any or all of the above types.

    The rest of the slots cover your infantry (HQs, Squads and Support Teams), and artillery.

    Marc Titley

    Going back to shirkers. I think they always have to take one order test each turn whether they have a pin or not. If no pin then at 8 to pass. If they are not coming on in first wave then it will suffer the normal -1, so it will be a 7 to pass but just one roll. I think this is how we have played shirkers.

    Trevor Reznik

    Dear sirs, sorry if i asking my questions in incorrect topic.

    What do you think about additions prototype tanks, like Chi-Ri, O-I, A39 Tortoise, T30 etc. ? Have any rules for it? Or may be warlords will adding it in future books?

    I have 3d-models and 3D-printer for this, but lack of rules for miniatures makes me sad.

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