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    WWPD’s Bryan Cook published the Vehicle Design System that Dave Hunter and myself produced from the V1 vehicle set.

    It’s not perfect but still largely works. I’m sure google will find it for you šŸ˜‰


    start at and hit the Bolt Action tab ā€¦ it was put up in 2017 so you’ll have to scroll down a ways or use the search.

    Trevor Reznik

    Big thanks!

    Trevor Reznik

    Box “The Last Levi” set contains 2 soldiers with Luftfaust hand-held anti-aircraft rocket launcher and assault rifle.

    But in rules Volksturm Squad: Up to 2 men may have submachine guns for +3pts.
    NOT ASSAULT RIFLES. How i may do?
    – assault rifle scores like submachine guns?
    – add to score +2 per one to submachine guns option?


    Hi all
    the rule on page 123, “Shooting from buildings”

    ….. A unit in a building can divide its fire against different targets on different sides of a building, but all fire from each side of a building must be aimed at the same target….

    is valid for any type of unit or only for those that have, within them, es. a light mortar /one shot team that can split the fire towards different units?
    I ask this because this particular rule, for units inside buildings, would be in contrast with the rule on p. 49, “Declare Target”

    ….When a unit shoots, it fires all of its weapons at one target….



    Stuart Harrison

    @Antonio – special rules over-ride general rules. The ability to split fire from a unit in a building is a special rule the same as the provisions to split fire for one shot weapons and indirect fire weapons are special rules. You only need one of those to apply to be able to split fire, not a combination of them.


    thans Stuart



    another flame thrower question. German player had troops in the front room of a building at the windows, the americans stuck a flamethrower through a rear window and hosed the floor. The building was divided by internal walls, will the flame thrower affect the entire floor or are the germans safe in the next room? I would think that they are safe but how would other people rule that?

    Stuart Harrison

    You only attack one building section/room/unit but there is a chance of setting the building on fire (Roll a D6, 4,5,or 6 = building catches fire and becomes unpassable terrain, all units must abandon) – see p125,Buildings, Shooting at Units in Buildings, Flamethrowers against buildings.


    Hi folks,

    In the Armies of Great Britain Dad’s Army List it shows Commandos as an option, but elsewhere in that list says no troops can be Veteran. Since Commandos are always Veteran, can I assume that this rule means you can have Veteran Commandos, but cannot choose the Veteran option for any other troops?

    Apologies if this has been answered already – I searched but didn’t find anything.




    Hi Gents,

    a few question:

    If an American player in 1944 can call 2 airstrikes (with one observer), and this player have two observer and call 4 airstrikes, and these are delayed and just arrive all in a same turn. The opponent can shoot with his flak unit against all four attacking airplanes, one by one. Is this right?

    If I have a recce vehicle, and I need to make an order test, which I do not pass. My vehicle goes DOWN, and retreat. This movement backward will be the half of my advance speed, or will be the full because this is a recce? I think the first, but maybe I am wrong.

    If we have a wall, which is one figure high, but with many holes on it. And we have one infantry unit on each side, in base contact with the wall, shooting against each other. Do we have the cover for example +1 or not? I believe both unit have cover.

    When we roll a hit during the prep bombardment, do we maximum kill one figures from a squad, or we use template and could kill more? I think the first.

    Master Chief

    Each US FAirO can only call in his 2nd airstrike after his first has been completed. Hence in your example there can only be a maximum of 2 airstrikes, not 4. Each airstrike will be resolved separately, typically sequentially even though they arrive together, but I believe all flak units will fire at both planes.

    For recce vehicles failing an order test, it is full Advance rate (page 118).

    As for the wall, I think it is +1 to both.

    Stuart Harrison

    @ Mark,

    Not specifically addressed for the Dad’s Army selector, but an effectively identical query has been answered in the FAQ for a similar Soviet selector:

    “In the ā€˜Siege of Sevastopolā€™ selector there are Veteran squads allowed amongst other infantry units. At the end of the selector there is the special rule ā€˜Baptism of ļ¬re: No Soviet forces can be veteran ā€™. So the question is: Can I ļ¬eld Veteran units in this selector? No Soviet forces (except for veteran infantry squads, see above) can be Veteran.”

    Applying that as a precedent, I’d say your interpretation -“can I assume that this rule means you can have Veteran Commandos, but cannot choose the Veteran option for any other troops?” – is spot on.

    Stuart Harrison


    Re Airstrikes and recce vehicle – as MasterChief said

    Re both units either side of a wall – check you are complying with the proximity rule. Those units can’t be within 1″ of each other unless it’s close quarters (an assault), in which case there is no “to hit” roll for cover to affect, only whether or not the combat is simultaneous.

    Generally, if one unit is already in contact with the wall, the other unit won’t be able to move into contact with the same wall without it being a charge into close quarters. If your walls are over an inch thick, you might want to treat them as two linear obstacles separated by the space between.

    Re the prep bombardment – it is a single hit, not a hit by a template. This is different to the hit by an in game barrage from an artillery observer where it is a hit from a heavy howitzer.


    Hi Gents,

    thanks very much, Your help!

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