Rules Questions

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    Armies of Imperial Japan, suicide anti-tank team. The rule says if the model makes contact with the tank then
    “immediately resolve a hit against the vehicle with a Penetration of +8.”

    Does “resolve a bit” mean:

    A. It automatically hits so you are just rolling for damage


    B. Roll to hit and then roll to damage

    I think A as it says resolve a “hit” not roll to hit.

    There doesn’t seem to be any official answer. It’s certainly not in the FAQ.

    Richard Lawrence

    Hopefully a simple question
    Do officers add their morale bonus when activating orders? I believe they do but I have been challenged on this, saying it only applies to morale tests. The rule book appears a little contradictory.


    Marc Titley

    I think that the officer bonus applies to all morale and order tests taken within the given command distance of the said officer, Lieutenants 6”, captain and Major 12”.

    Stuart Harrison

    @Blipvert – the suicide AT only requires him to make it into contact, there is no roll to hit.

    – the officer provides a morale bonus, both orders tests and morale checks test against a unit’s morale, so a morale bonus benefits both. There is nothing in the officer’s rule suggesting it would only apply to one type of test.


    Hi All

    Two questions that arise from divergent positions within our Association.
    I think I already have the answers but I would like to have confirmation.
    A) Mortar shoot at 2, the target is Zeroed; Crew go DOWN: to the next shoot, because neither the mortar nor the target moved, I continue to shoot at 2? (I say YES).
    B) Can a mortar shoot, considering the specific rules for FIXEDs in the building, from a building? (I do not see limitations to this From rulebook)

    Many Thanks

    Stuart Harrison

    A) there is nothing suggesting indirect fire resets if you skip a turn of shooting once zeroed, only if firer or target moves or you shoot at another target.

    B) the rules don’t prevent it, but I’d say it’s probably a reasonable house rule to deny it unless your building is missing it’s roof. First you have the difficulty of setting up in such a way as to fire out of a window while still having room to actually load it, then you have the muzzle blast of the weapon inside a mostly closed room with the crew. Maybe with things like the Brit 2 inch mortar, but not so much with a 120mm.


    @Richard Lawrence,

    The short answer is yes, it applies to both. The rulebook logic to support that is:

    The rulebook specifically refers to the officer bonus as a “morale bonus”. However, the morale value of a unit is used for both morale checks and order tests.

    Alan Hamilton

    I know more about the real life employment of mortars than the rules.

    A) Mortar shoot at 2, the target is Zeroed; Crew go DOWN: to the next shoot, because neither the mortar nor the target moved, I continue to shoot at 2? (I say YES).

    If by “zeroed” you mean “Registered” then, in real life, once the mortars are on target the details are recorded and retained. This allows any observerto call the fireon that target whether they move or not. The same procedure applies to artillery.

    Note that “zeroed” usually means setting the sights of a rifle, SMG etc to the firer to improve accuracy. When I was in the army we zeroed our rifles when we got them and checked the zeroing on every range day.

    B) Can a mortar shoot, considering the specific rules for FIXEDs in the building, from a building? (I do not see limitations to this From rulebook)

    Again, in real life, only a 2″ mortar can be fired from inside a building that still has its roof. This is because it is trigger operated and can be fired almost horizontally. Other mortars have a fixed firing pin and need a clear area around and above in order to shoot. Do a Google image search for WW2 mortar positions or WW2 mortar fire positions. In my service I never saw a mortar fired from inside a building. So I’d say no firing from inside unless the building is ruined to the extent of being just a few walls. I have even searched google adding Berlin and Stalingrad and cannot find any. I am also aware that the absence of a photo does not mean that it did not happen just that it was very rare if it did happen.


    Many Thanks Alan and Stuart for the explanations that are relevant to a real simulation.


    Graham Thomson

    Question: Page 25 of the Armies of Great Britain Book – It is +2pts to add a submachine gun to a Gurkha instead of the normal +3pts. I assume this is because Gurkhas already have Tough Fighters (included in their base cost) and so the redundant Tough Fighters bonus on the submachine gun has been discounted. This would make sense except that British Commandos who also have Tough Fighters (included in their base cost) still have to pay +3pts for submachine guns. This is I believe an unrecorded errata as Australian Commandos in the New Guinea book who are otherwise identical to British Commandos also are +2pts to add a submachine gun. How do I report this errata?

    andy pearson

    I original bought some of my US Airborne troops prior to the 2nd Edition of bolt action but have only in the past year start playing regularly at my local club.

    The question is about the use of the M1919 light machine gun within the Paratrooper Squad

    US Army Book states that – Up to 1 man can have a light machine gun M1919A6 for +20pts another man becomes the loader.

    The Bolt Action 2nd edition only mentions that 2 men can have BAR automatic rifles, with nothing stated about the M1919. Warlord seem to state the 2nd edition supersedes the US Army book, but only the German army book has been rewritten

    The Market Garden States that BAR seems to have been discarded for the Bipod mounted M1919 light machine and that either can be fielded for the campaign.

    The Battle of the Bulge US Paratrooper Squad (Late War)states that – Up to 2 men can have light machine guns for +20pts each etc.

    The airborne used the M1919 with the tripod base in Normandy and Warlord provide these in their metal range. These were being phased out by the time of MG in favour of the bipod mounted LMG as included in the plastic box set.

    So the big question is why are you not allowed to field them in a Bolt Action Squad for Normandie.

    Any thoughts or pointers welcome.

    Regards Andy


    I don’t know if you use the Bolt Action Army Builder, but I checked the Army Builder and you can get the M1919 MG, I always use the Army Builder, hopefully this helps


    Soviet “tough tank hunter” rule

    Do they double there attacks against vehicles as per the Soviet rule book

    Or does the “tough” section refer to the “tough fighter” rule in the RB, therefore they get 1 attack, rolling an addition dice if they hit?

    Stuart Harrison

    @ andy pearson:

    “Warlord seem to state the 2nd edition supersedes the US Army book, but only the German army book has been rewritten”

    Quite the opposite – P153 tells you that the MRB lists are “get you by” lists and are over-ruled by the armies of series books. As the only armies of book that was ever slated as being replaced is the first edition german one, the first edition armies of the US over-rides the second edition MRB list.

    in this case, the MRB entry is not a specific paratrooper squad entry, it is a generic veteran entry that can cover infantry, engineers, rangers, marines, glider – basically any veteran available to the US. It’s not particularly accurate for any of them purely because it has such a wide scope.

    The armies of entry is a specific paratrooper squad based on the establishment around Normandy era. The Band of Brothers entry is an additional unit entry that can substitute for the armies of entry in any selector that allows that armies of entry and is Market Garden or later (September 1944).

    Stuart Harrison

    @ Rob Lemay – It’s a unit special rule specifically giving double attacks. Unless it is changed by errata to bring it in line with tough fighters, that would still apply following the same principle as the following FAQ response:

    “Some units from first edition books, like Sgt Kenshiro, or Polish lancers, have additional attacks. And most of these are tough fighters too. How does this work in the second edition? If a rule states that a unit has additional attacks in melee, that rule applies as normal, literally (so lancers get two attacks rather than one). en, if the unit are also Tough Fighters, they get to re-roll all hits as normal.”

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