Rules Questions

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    Graham Thomson

    @ Master Chief – Page 25 of the Armies of Great Britain Book – It is +2pts to add a submachine gun to a Gurkha instead of the normal +3pts. I assume this is because Gurkhas already have Tough Fighters (included in their base cost) and so the redundant Tough Fighters bonus on the submachine gun has been discounted. This would make sense except that British Commandos who also have Tough Fighters (included in their base cost) still have to pay +3pts for submachine guns. This is I believe an unrecorded errata as Australian Commandos in the New Guinea book who are otherwise identical to British Commandos also are +2pts to add a submachine gun. How do I report this errata?

    Stuart Harrison

    @ Graham – re “@ Stuart Harrison – I don’t understand your answer”

    Standard Veteran costs 13 points with rifle. Most units with tough fighters have it as an option costing 1 point per man. Normal cost for a veteran tough fighter should therefore be 14 points with no other special rules.

    Commandos are 14 points with behind enemy lines being effectively free. Gurkhas are 14 points each with Scary Blighters effectively free.

    I’m saying yes, there is a discrepancy between the commandos entry in AoGB and other entries with built in tough fighter and an option to buy SMGs, but there is a wider discrepancy between them (and Gurhkas) and other veterans throughout the game. Bringing them “into line” will save you a point on each commando SMG, but should also cost you a point per man in the squad for the additional special rule. Impact for the Gurkhas should probably be more as scary blighters has more impact than tough fighters.

    There is no errata/FAQ hotline as such, you can contact Warlord via e-mail ( and request they look at it but considering the number of times this has been raised before I wouldn’t be holding my breath for them to change it.

    Graham Thomson

    Thanks. Have emailed Warlord and am off to hold my breath now 😉


    How does the Pins work if i shoot with the Wirbelwind and his 4 light Auto cannons and i chose the HE Ammunition?
    Does the Target Units only suffer 1 D2 Pins from the HE shells or 4 D2 because i shoot 4 Cannons at the same time?
    And what if the Target is a Veteran Vehicle? Does it ignore the Pins if the HE can’t damage it?

    Stuart Harrison

    1x D2 pins no matter how many hits you get – see p70, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, HE (High Explosive), Multiple HE Hits, second para.

    Yes, a veteran vehicle will ignore the pins if it can’t damage it – there is no exception for HE.

    Tim Moreau

    Attacking artillery question – say I have an 88′, fully manned and in good order, and it is attacked by a squad of say, 10 U.S. infantrymen (correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the 88′ crewmen are assumed to have small arms, and can react accordingly if they aren’t using the big gun of course…). What happens to the big gun if a crewman (or several) to the gun is killed? Does it just receive pins and work with a smaller crew?

    I guess the question comes down to this: can an artillery piece still fully function if part of the crew is killed, or does it suffer a penalty, like when a sniper gets a pin when his spotter is killed? Many thanks from a newb.

    Stuart Harrison

    The only penalty for losing crew is if it is reduced to one crew – then it suffers the same penalty as a unit that has lost it’s NCO (-1 to morale, p42, Orders, Troop Quality and Morale, Squad Leaders, last sentence). It also suffers a -1 to hit penalty – p73, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, Team Weapon, third para.

    Whether any pins are received depends on whether you mean attacked with shooting (yes) or attacked in close quarters (no).

    Tim Moreau

    @Stuart Harrison – makes perfect sense. I tried finding it throughout the rulebook and couldn’t quite do so – thank you for the clarification!

    Joseph Bilton

    Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else, but my search didn’t bring anything up.

    I’m wondering if there’s any rule that allows the reversal of the actions in an advance order. As far as I can see, the rule book only says that an Advance order is ‘Move then Fire’. I would love to be able to give a unit the order to ‘Fire then Move’, so I could use ‘Shoot & Scoot’ tactics. Is there anything that allows for that officially, or would that have to be houseruled?



    Neil Bates

    Couple of rules queries re British Airbourne:

    1) where can i find the entry for the 75mm pack howitzer?
    I cant see it in the Armies of Britain or market garden books. The brit light howitzer has gun shield and can fire an AT shell but not sure the pack howitzer fits this.

    2) Does a brit para army from the Market Garden book get the free artillery observer (and if so, presumably its regular) and do you get the other Brit special rules as normal?


    If you go onto Bolt Action Easy Army, it has the 75mm in the Market Garden builder and it has the Gun Shield. You can get the Free FOO, and take a Brit Special Rule


    I think the only thing you can do is advance then fire, the only option would be a house rule where you could fire at 1/2 rate the move back something different

    Christian LaSala

    Here’s a question that’s my group has been trying to figure out: can you assault with two units at once into the same target if you activate them simultaneously with an officer?

    It really seems like a corner case, but sometimes you only have damaged units and an officer (1st Lt or higher) left and assaulting a larger unit to push them off an objective wouldn’t work normally, due to how much numbers affect assasults, but combining the two units might give you enough bodies to pull it off.

    Is there a way to do that, or are you bound to throw one unit at a time into the meat grinder?


    No you would have to do it one unit at a time,the Snap To Action is resolve each order in turn before going on to the next order, in any sequence you like. Page 83 of the rule book



    New to Bolt Action.

    Can an infantry section assault an occupied house from behind a garden wall? Since they have to use the Run command I guess they cannot since they have to jump over the wall first.


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