Rules Questions

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    Robert Piper


    We have just started playing Bolt Action 2nd edition and my mate has got a sniper. He is using the advance action to move the sniper and take a shot using his scopes, which is giving him a -1 penalty. The book appears to read that to us the scope you can only make a ambush or fire action. Is that correct.


    Dave B

    Artillery Pins? Say an Artillery barrage covers many units, first unit takes D3 pins, next unit gets a 4″ howitzer hit, but template covers part of first unit, so first unit gets some hits, but does it take more pins? Similarly does a unit hit by HE as under template, but not the “primary” target, take pins?

    Gerry Brawley

    Yes you only get the benefit for the Sniper if he uses a fire order of takes a shot from Ambush. If the target is within 12″ he can only fire as normal rifle. The only thing that affects a Sniper shot are pin markers and the loss of the spotter.

    Stuart Harrison

    Generally as Gerry has stated.

    If your opponent is playing Finnish army, they have a special rule (only a few units, snipers included) allowing rifle armed troops to use an Advance and go into Ambush instead of shooting at the end of the move. That’s the only way I’m aware of for a Sniper to both move and get the benefit of his scope in the same turn – even then, he has to wait for one of your unit’s to trigger the ambush.


    I have a question about units in a transport. Under the rules for transports it states that units inside are only forced to disembark and go down only if the transport is destroyed. But later in the running multiples of the same transport as a unit is says that units inside disembark and go down if the transport is damaged. Which one is correct?
    Also if the units are forced to disembark when the transport is damaged, if the transport takes extra pin markers because of the damage are those pin markers added to the unit?


    Gerry Brawley

    When it talks about multiples it is in larger games and an infantry unit is sharing 2 or more transports.

    I’d ignore the damage phrase from this section. You have to disembark if the transport if immobilsed or destroyed.

    If a vehicle takes pins at any stage then any units on board also take the same number of pins.

    Stuart Harrison

    That whole appendix is optional rules – in the case of the transport units rules there are glaring conflicts with the main transport rules which should be negotiated before agreeing to use them – example, in the actual transport rules, each unit forced to dismount due to vehicle destruction takes D6 hits. The transport units optional rule changes this to D6 hits spread across all the units forced to dismount.

    Cat Shot One

    Cover question

    can a unit benefit from soft or hard cover twice? (e. g. shooting over two walls, shooting into a wood with a smoke screen on top)?

    PS Eric: I would strongly recommend to create another hierarchy level for posting rule questions. Otherwise all rule questions end up in one mega-thread with related posts spread all over. Remember how many posts the old forum had. Several thousands, wasn’t it?


    Nope. You get the best cover. Hard or soft. It doesn’t stack.


    I was told that a platoon list could only have 1 vehicle with recce rule. I haven’t been able to find that rule in the rule book. Is this correct?

    Stuart Harrison

    There is no such restriction, Greg.

    Usually it will work out that way as there’s only one armoured car slot, and most recce vehicles are in that slot, but there is nothing stopping someone taking a light tank with recce (ie: Stuart M3 light tank) in the tank slot and an armoured car in the armoured car slot.

    If you went tank platoon, you could have 5 recce vehicles!

    Stuart Harrison

    One possibility to check with your local group – it may be a local house rule adopted to limit recce from first edition when it was pretty broken for it’s points.


    Thanks for the response. I spent nearly an hour reading & re-reading the rule book but didn’t find anything. My plan is to be able to use the M24 Chafee and the M8 Greyhound for the US force. Make it a little harder for all those German AT weapons to take out my mobile platforms.


    Hello, the M3 Stuart I, was a tank captured by the Japanese in Burma (Burma), but exclusively in that War Theater. This tank I understand that the Japanese can not use it in a generic peloton from Japan. It is similar to the twin bazookas Jeep that was used in the Battle of Bulgue and can only be used in the theaters of the Battle of Bulgue. We have asked this question to Warlord, what do you think?

    Stuart Harrison

    Alberto, I’d be inclined to agree with you. The only place I can see the M3 Stuart for the Japanese is as an added option in the Fall of Correigador and Burma selectors, not as something added to their list of available vehicles for any other selector. If their list isn’t from one of those two selectors, it shouldn’t be an option unless as a prior agreement house rule.

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