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    Stuart Harrison

    “Hi,can i play a medic and the Second Model can have a gun or a smg?”

    Depends on the weapons line of the unit entry – if it says “Pistol or none, as depicted on the model” those are your options for all members of the unit.

    As the unit is bound by the Geneva Convention special rule, you won’t get any advantage out of more than a pistol – they can’t shoot in second edition.


    Hi all

    In the MULTIPLE LAUNCHER paragraph pg.72, could the target unit be an empty building and therefore all units that are 6″ apart from it?
    Doubt arises because the mortars can target empty buildings ….


    Nicholas Ellis

    Could someone explain to me how the German Aufklärungs Gruppe squad works please. Its available in the Western desert Campaign as an Armoured Car slot but the Aufklärungs Gruppe actually can consist of 3-5 cars.
    I’ve heard several explanations on how they would work i.e. One order dice to activate all vehicles together which remain within 3″ of each other, to each vehicle of the Gruppe actually getting a separate order dice and are free to move in whatever direction they wish. Any help/ advice would be much appreciated.

    Also what is the Recon Vehicle rule? I’m presuming it actually means recce rule as this was their primary role in 1942 but some clarification would be nice



    I am building a Romanian Army and have a question. Is the panzer 38T a romanian unit or a German support unit? Thanks for the help.

    Stuart Harrison

    @ Jim – the 38T would have to be taken as the German support unit – the only tank available to the Romanians as a Romanian choice would be the Renault R35, that’s the only one in their army list.


    @Jim – If you are doing a generic reinforced platoon, then I agree with Stuart. The 38t can only fill the free unit slot.

    However, I believe the theatre selectors from the “Armies of Italy and the Axis” are a different matter. They both have an additional special rule, “Axis Vehicles in Romanian Service”, that would appear to allow the 38t to fill the regular tank slot. In fact, they list the 38t, among others, right in the standard allowable tank/tank destroyer slot.


    Hi Antonio,
    Per page 8 of the latest FAQ:
    “When firing a multiple launcher against a unit in a building (or an empty building), measure the 6″ for additional targets from the building itself. Note that only one of the rockets can hit each building, even if it includes multiple enemy units on different floors. Then resolve a normal indirect fire heavy mortar shot on each target. You cannot fire if any potential target building includes any friendly units.”

    Stuart Harrison

    @ Jim, daveurs is correct, I didn’t consider the theatre selectors – if you’re using either of those selectors, you can take your 38t as either Romanian or German support.


    Many thanks daveurs,
    …… I did not think to give back a reading at the FAQ !!


    Quick question on multiple launches – specifically the Katyusha.

    Is this a ‘fixed’ weapon? Under the unit description it is not listed and thus may move and fire. Though under the multiple launcher section it is treated as a heavy mortar, thus it would have the ‘fixed’ special rule.

    Thanks in advance!



    The fixed special rule does not apply to multiple launcher equipped vehicles. It only counts as a heavy mortar for shooting purposes.

    Stuart Harrison

    @Trevor, see p104, Vehicles, Vehicle Mounted Weapons, Fixed and Team Weapons – vehicles don’t suffer the effects of either rule, even if the ground versions of the weapon normally would.

    Eric Fontaine



    Where is the rule for modifying a units morale with an officer’s positive modifiers?



    There are three types of units: Inexperienced, Regular, and Veteran. They have a morale value of 8, 9, and 10, respectively.

    When morale is being checked, various bonuses can be applied — such as from an officer. Although the highest morale is a 10 and the lowest a 2, can an officer’s bonus raise the morale of an Inexperienced or Regular unit above their original value or 8 and 9?

    That is, can an Inexperienced or Regular unit have their moral boosted up to 9 or 10 or up to 10, respectively? Or — is the upper limit for an Inexperienced or Regular unit limited to their basic morale value … 8 for an Inexperienced unit and 9 for a Regular unit …. regardless of morale bonuses?

    Need specific rules citations, if possible.

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