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    Don Delis

    It seems that movement will be complex moving one figure at a time. Prehaps, skirmish movement trays? This whole matter came up in a game where my Japanese were getting wacked in Burma 44
    In the ambush on burma road. I thought the set up, for the secenario, favored the troops going up the road.


    bonjour moi c’est xavier
    Hello, it’s Xavier
    I am French and sorry if my English is average!
    in the rule, it is said that transport is destroyed when at the end of the tower it is closer to an enemy than an ally but an artillery tractor without transport capacity (but can transport the servants) if it is closer to an enemy than to an ally is it destroyed like transport ?


    Hello Xavier,

    Vehicles being used to tow artillery are still only “transporting” the gun and crew around the battlefield. They have slightly different rules to address how they are used, but they are still not “assault vehicles”. Per page 114 of the rule book regarding the role of transports: “…their crews would not expect to find themselves face-to-face with [the] enemy”. This is used as the justification for transport vehicles fleeing the battlefield when closer to enemies than an ally. As the same thing could be said of vehicles that have only the tow ability, it stands to reason that they would behave in the manner and flee the battlefield when they are threatened.


    Did not see this answered, so:

    The Chaplain’s special ability:
    Inspiring presence: Upon receiving his order dice (except for Down), a chaplain may select one friendly unit within 6″ and roll a D6, applying the following modifiers: Inexperienced -1, Veteran +1. On a 4+, the chaplain may remove 1 pin from the selected unit.

    Does the inexperienced/veteran for the modifiers refer to the Chaplain or the selected unit?

    BA is consistent. The chaplain is, in essence, rolling to hit. Thus, it is “quality” of the chaplain that counts. An inexperienced chaplain, who costs less, has a lesser chance of “hitting”. A veteran chaplain, who costs more, has a greater chance.

    Carl E. Corrado

    Have a question regarding the VB rifle grenade;

    Are there any special rules. Do you need to range in when firing as an indirect fire weapon, or as the shooter can choose to fire as a rifle not roll to range in as would have the required line of sight to fire as a rifle?

    Thanks for the anticipated help.


    Stuart Harrison

    Armies of France and the Allies, p11, grey text box at the bottom right – “the infantryman equipped with the VB launcher can either shoot as a rifleman or as a light mortar” it then gives a modified stat line for shooting as a light mortar(range is 6″-18″ instead of 12″-24″).

    If shooting as a rifle, direct fire rules apply, if shooting as a light mortar, indirect fire rules apply.

    richard zamudio

    In the new Budapest Campaign book there is the entry for the twin Hungarian rocket launcher system. I have some questions about the rules for it.1. Do you use the system once per game (like a panzerfaust?)? 2. Do both rockets have to target the same vehicle/infantry? 3. Do you roll a single die for both rockets to hit, or is each rocket a separate die roll? Thanks in advance for any help in this matter.


    Hi, I have a question regarding assaulting from buildings to troops in the open.
    Does it count as simultaneous attacks (as exiting from buildings would be classed as obstacles or something similar) or just normal attack round (attacker strikes first, then defender attacks)?

    Thanks in advance

    Stuart Harrison

    Everything I can find suggests assaulting from a building is a full move, not reduced by terrain, so 12″ move and no defensive position unless there is some other terrain involved.

    See p122, Buildings, Leaving Buildings, first para compares it to leaving a building (does not limit you to 6″ move – there is a separate clause about not being able to assault but you are specifically allowed to assault leaving buildings). Second para specifically mentions units over 6″ from the building being able to react in the usual way.


    Buildings dont hinder infantry movement so why would the assault move be hindered?

    My Question –
    Slow Load rule, says a model with this rule cant receive an order until another unit has (successful or not). How does that work with ‘you men, snap to’?

    Vehicles arent prohibited from receiving snap to orders, so is it possible to give the officer the first order (say advance) then give a snap to order to (for example) an IS-2?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Nat.
    Stuart Harrison


    Currently nothing stopping that – you have complied with the Slow Load requirement by the officer having been given an order first (a requirement for him to be giving snap to it orders) and no FAQ/Errata has been made to remove any benefit from using snap to it in that way.


    @Richard Zamudio:
    In the Fortress Budapest book, I’d like to hear an official answer too with regards to the 44M Buzogányvető rocket launcher (mace thrower). But my interpretation based on how its rules and the main rulebook is written:

    Shoots two rockets at once, you choose if they’re both AT or HE. Next turn it fires two more. Most likely at the same target, at a stretch two targets within 45 degree angle. First rocket shot is resolved before the other fires. It’s not disposable, it’s a gun carriage used to fire new rockets when loaded.

    If not for their late war implementation, they had amazing AT penetration well above its contemporaries even in late cold war, let alone ww2.

    Special rules on the gun don’t state the ‘one shot’ rule so not disposable. The weapons rules for itself state it’s a two shot salvo, which means multiple shots fired simultaneously or shortly after. The needing to choose both rockets in the salvo to be the same type, for balance, indicates it can choose two targets in 45 degree arc or why would you need to state that if split fire wasn’t possible (genuinely confused if this is true or not). So you fire the first rocket, resolve its hit then fire the second in the same turn.

    The main rulebook on page 66 though has info on multi ‘Barreled’ or shot weapons on the same mount so this may conflict, but again based on this indicates it fires botb at the same turn.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    Stuart Harrison

    There is no provision for artillery units to split fire. Even the vehicle provisions for splitting fire prevent you doing so with weapons on a common mount, ie: twin and quad guns must fire at the same target.


    Stuart, I think you’re spot on there – both rockets are on the same mount so would fire at the same target one after the other in the same turn.


    Hi everyone, I’m coming back to Bolt Action after a period away.
    This question’s around Snipers, Hiding, HE weapons and Buildings – bear with me.

    A sniper can start the game hidden, as long as he/she stays hidden, their cover penalty if in a building is increased to -5.
    (page 131)

    But…. Shooting a HE weapon directly at a building will completely negate any cover penalty (pg 124). The sniper would still retain the penalty if they were hiding in rocky outcrop.

    This means that a tank with a large gun can freely move up and kill the sniper without any issue. This seems to me to completely negate them when fighting in an urban envrionment.

    Something similar is true with snipers vs snipers as they never take any negative to hit modifiers.

    Have I got this right? Does the rule need clarifying?
    Thanks in advance for the help 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Enquiring_Mind. Reason: underlining tags not working
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