Rules Questions

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    Tom, it reads that yes you are picking a point to aim at. The way the rule is written you need to be putting a piece of string around the whole unit to make an area that they are occupying and you are now targeting. Then next round see if any ONE model of that unit is still within 2″ of that string /area.

    yeah you can in theory walk a mortar bombardment halfway across a board as the unit advances and doesnt clear the 2″ area… which is what happened with me, so why I checked in this thread a page or two ago.

    Stuart Harrison

    “If you do not know where the shot is aimed how can you measure that the targetted unit has moved over 2″ to get out from under the template?”

    To reset indirect fire you are not measuring that they have moved over 2″ to get out from under the template. That is where you are misunderstanding the rule.

    The shot is aimed at the whole unit. You are required to move them at least 2″ from the area the unit was covering last shot, the template doesn’t enter into it.



    I have played a few games now. Understand most of the rules but still learning about some of the finer points of the rules.

    Just some assault questions….
    1. My understanding is that when assaulting enemy on another floor within the same building, the combat is simultaneously?
    2. Do team weapons (MMGs, Mortars, etc.) fight with their crew if assaulted (i.e. if there are three crew they get 3 assault dice)?
    3. Can team weapons crew launch an assault an enemy unit?
    4. As long as the closest figures in the charging unit and the enemy unit are within 12″ the assault is successful regardless how far the other figures are from each other? This may mean that the furthest figures may have to move well over the 12″.

    Master Chief

    My understanding of the rules:
    1. Yes except the target does not have reaction fire (page 126)
    2. Yes
    3. Yes, but No for artillery (page 96)
    4. Yes (page 75)


    What size blast template does the ampulomet get in second edition?

    Master Chief

    HE(D6) maps to the 2 inch template.
    Use the last column in the attached file for the mapping.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Master Chief.
    Stuart Harrison

    If you want to confirm translating first edition HE to second edition templates, the chart Master Chief posted is p70, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, HE (High Explosive). Next para below the chart tells you to use the column Master Chief directed you to.


    Hi all
    The “Reverse Moves” described on page 103 of the basic rulebook, can it be followed by fire?
    What makes me think of “NO” is that in the rulebook the Fire is only provided for Advance and Fire orders.


    Master Chief

    My understanding is it is allowed i.e. give the unit an “Advance” order, reverse move it backwards up to half its allowed Advance move distance, and fire.


    My apologies if this has been asked and answered. Looking at building up my French Cavalry force.

    I would like to put my HQ on horses for the theme.

    FAQ page 7 allows this for 5pts per model (horse for regular cavalry typically is 2pts per model) and bestows cavalry special rule.

    Battle of France Page 165 under new units specifies “officers” can be given horses for 2 pts per model, but makes no mention of cavalry special rule.

    In both case you must have at least 2 cavalry sections.

    Common sense would tell me any HQ unit could be mounted on horses at 2 pts per model gaining the cavalry special rules.

    Has this been clarified anywhere?


    If you look at the Japanes army book, its 5 points for the officer to be mounted on a horse and gain the cavalry rule.

    Therefore I’d say you pay 5 points and gain the cavalry rule as its more consistent*.

    *One thing I like about this system is that you pay the same points for the same upgrade irrespective of Nation ie all regular infantry are 10, vets are 13, lmgs in squads are 20 etc etc

    invisible officer

    You should not forget that “cavalry” in 1940 campaign in France was Transport by horse, not classical charge.

    The German cavalry had abandoned the sword (and Lance) at all apart from officers and NCO for parades. The French kept the trooper sword but many units left it in depot or with train.

    They normally fought on foot.

    (For German horse the 1941 – 45 Cossack sword was Special)


    You should not forget that “cavalry” in 1940 campaign in France was Transport by horse, not classical charge.

    The German cavalry had abandoned the sword (and Lance) at all apart from officers and NCO for parades. The French kept the trooper sword but many units left it in depot or with train.

    They normally fought on foot.

    (For German horse the 1941 – 45 Cossack sword was Special)

    Historically I 100% agree! Then this is Bolt Action which is historically flavored at best. I commonly refer to it as WWII flavored advanced Rock, Paper, Scissors.

    Unfortunately, unless you are trying to lay a specific historical scenario in Bolt Action the history ends when the models hit the table. I would also argue if you are serious about playing a historical scenario there are much better systems to do that with where you can use your same models. 😉

    Case in point during U.S. Nationals my Early War French faced American, IJA, Soviets, Late War Germans and Brits. My Cavalry were mostly get there fast and occupy, but I did have 3 opportunities to charge and did so as they had the advantage and the “game” allows for it.


    If you look at the Japanes army book, its 5 points for the officer to be mounted on a horse and gain the cavalry rule.

    Therefore I’d say you pay 5 points and gain the cavalry rule as its more consistent*.

    *One thing I like about this system is that you pay the same points for the same upgrade irrespective of Nation ie all regular infantry are 10, vets are 13, lmgs in squads are 20 etc etc

    While I mostly agree with you there are two many inconsistencies (Panzerfausts, tough fighter etc. etc.) in BA that I feel it deserves a FAQ/Errata.

    Horses for French Cavalry are 2pts (Regular infantry are 10pts regular cavalry are 12pts). Battle of France page 165 specifically states 2pts per Officer to put them on a horse.

    The FAQ is from Jan 2018 and states 5pts along with the earlier IJA entries you mention.

    I am trying to do a historically themed Cavalry force for May 1940 failed invasion of Belgium with all Cavalry squads, AMC 35 tank, Schneider Armor car, Horse drawn limber for Arty etc. Would like to mount all my HQ units, not just the officer.

    The event will be doubles next year at Adepticon with a 1940 theme, so an official clarification would be desirable vs. a friendly agreement with the T.O. so I account the correct points. 15pts for 3 models vs. 6pts is a sizable difference.


    Ok, I dont have access to every book (in fact only 1 of the campaign books) so thought Panzerfausts were a flat +5 points, tough fighter +1 etc ……

    In the Soviet army book Cavalry squads pay 2 points for their horses, so I was thinking its 2 for squads & 5 for Officers.

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