Rules Questions

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  • #159680

    In the Soviet army book Cavalry squads pay 2 points for their horses, so I was thinking its 2 for squads & 5 for Officers.

    Yeah, certain things tend to vary. While much is consistent throughout I am not sure if some items get missed in editing due to various authors or it is intentional

    In this case Battle of France definitely states 2pts while FAQ/errata is 5pts.

    My issue is not all events recognize campaign books while FAQ/errata is accepted

    invisible officer

    Well, the campaign books are for that: Campaign games. For Gamers that want to do a special era with the right flavor. Normally friends that have no problems to give the “enemy” a small advantage.

    French 1940 cavalry is very interesting. And what followed. Yesterday evening I was offered a 1932 helmet of Garde republicaine, together with the breast badge “Je garde Paris” worn 1940-44 by those staying in Paris under new name Garde de Paris. Very very close to the Germans. (All French had been in Resistence…. Ahem) The original French owner left town 44 very fast…..
    Well, I did not buy it.
    My money printer is out of order 😉 And seller also offered a sword that was missing in my collection.

    But it was interesting. Inside tucked some old French newspaper. To make it fit better. The latest was telling the story of the German Scharnhorst/Gneisenau passing the channel.


    Related question then, could it be argued that units that appear in the Campaign books are not ‘legal’ in games /tournaments that dont allow Campaign lists? Especially as the FAQ states that the Campaign books wont be Errated/FAQd

    For example the Buda Regiments in Soviet service (found in Fortress Budapest) state they can be taken as an infantry squad in any late war selector, but their rules are found in a book thats not really supported….


    We just finished a dust up in our gaming group over this very thing … using an army from a campaign book in a game where the opponent was using the standard army list from the rule book. It wasn’t the first time.

    The result is now that Campaign armies can only be used when pre-announced and agreed upon. We also now have a house rule where each army must be accompanied by an EasyArmy printout.

    BTW, the player who caused the issue found a rule in a Campaign book that cross referenced units from another Campaign book that resulted in double, better artillery. The argument was, “Well, its in the book.” So we clarified.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Highlander.

    Related question then, could it be argued that units that appear in the Campaign books are not ‘legal’ in games /tournaments that dont allow Campaign lists? Especially as the FAQ states that the Campaign books wont be Errated/FAQd

    That would be 100% up to the TO or your group which is why I am asking for the clarification.

    In one event I played in campaign lists were fine, but another only the Army of books and specific list to allow Chinese for instance.

    IMO, with this issue 2pts makes more sense, but until that is changed in errata I need to plan for 5pts. Event I am building for is not until next year.



    Just looking for some clarifications.

    P72 says that you pick first target unit as normal. You then check for other units within 6″ of the original template. Does this mean from the edge or the centre of the template?

    If you hit one of the units within 6″, when you place the template does the centre have to be within 6″ of the original template?

    Also if you miss the first target do you still get the chance to throw hits for the other units within 6″ of the original template?

    P97 Smoke. If you hit the original target point and you then throw a D3-1 and get say 2 extra smoke circles….. Are these placed so that the whole smoke circle is within 6″ of the initial target point or is it the centre of the smoke circle has to be within 6″?

    Thanks for any help. I just find these rules a bit confusing.


    Master Chief

    My understanding of the rules:

    (1) Should be 6in from the edge of the template, since it did not specifically say from the center of the template.

    (2) No, if you hit that unit you place the template to maximise the number of models covered by the template.

    (3) Yes you roll to hit one by one for all units that are targets, regardless of whether you hit the original target.

    (4) I think this is measured from the original center point to center point.


    On P125 the rules cover Artillery Barrages on buildings.

    It does not mention about working out which floor is hit. Does it therefore hit units on both floors?

    Also if normal indirect HE scores a hit you work out the floor then dice for number of hits and pins. I assume the pins are just for the floor that get hit?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Philip.

    The section on artillery barrages against units in buildings (2nd bullet point) states “If the building is in range, simply roll a die for each unit in the building as well as other units within range, including all units inside nearby buildings that are themselves within range of the artillery barrage.” This die roll corresponds to the “fire for effect” instructions in the “Artillery Barrage chart”. After this, you would roll 3d6 for each unit that was hit (i.e. a roll of 6).

    Additionally, from the 3rd bullet, it looks like the 3d6 results for all units that are hit in a building are added together to determine if the building collapses. This last part seems pretty crazy to me so I wonder if anyone has a different interpretation.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by daveurs.
    Master Chief

    I guess the 3rd bullet point tries to reflect the fact that a bombardment is typically very heavy shelling and very devastating, so the odds of a building being levelled are great.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Master Chief.

    Just a few questions on buildings and transports.
    1. Can a unit in a vehicle run out of and into an unoccupied building?
    2. Can a unit in a building run out and then into a different building in the same move?
    3. Can a unit in a building run out and assault another building that is not joined to the current one? (I think not).


    Master Chief

    My understanding of the 2nd edition rules:

    (A) Yes, the unit is given a Run order to disembark the vehicle, and if it can reach within 1in of a building with at least one model reaching an opening.

    (B) Yes as long as the unit can reach within 1in of the new building with at least one model reaching an opening.

    (C) Yes, as long as the attacker starts the Run move with clear line of sight to the target defender in the next building, for example 2 buildings facing each other across a street. It cannot be done if for example the buildings are side by side on the same side of a street such that the attacker cannot see the defender.

    Carl E. Corrado

    Hi Guys:

    Need some clarification;
    In picking an infantry squad with a light MG (which requires a loader) does a squad of an NCO and 10 infantry include the loader or is the loader in addition. The easy army print out would look like this; 1 NCO, 1 LMG + loader and 9 infantry, or actually the loader one of the 9 infantry, this is how we have always been playing. So for shooting the rifles would be eight dice(8) as one of the infantry is the loader and supports the LMG?


    When adding an LMG to a squad, you are just taking the rifle away from one of the riflemen and giving him an LMG instead. Then, you assign one of the remaining men (typically a rifleman) to be his loader.

    So, in your example, the 10 man squad you have described would be comprised of:
    1x NCO (w/ rifle, unless upgraded)
    7x riflemen
    1x LMG gunner
    1x LMG loader (also w/ rifle, unless upgraded)

    I hope this helps.

    Don Delis

    You have a ten man squad they advance and fire. After movement the squad looks like this:
    Do the three figures in the second rank receive a -1 penalty to their shooting?
    I have heard that they do and also that they don’t. Can someone point me to aanswer????

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