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  • #162366
    Master Chief

    I take the +2 described in the anti-tank mine section to refer to the +2 against non-armoured units mentioned below, because vehicles include non-armoured trucks and jeeps. So as the anti-tank mine rule is written now, it seems to be +5 Pen for vehicles, both armoured and non-armoured.

    If the minefield scores hits, then each successful hit is resolved with a Penetration value of +2 against non-armoured targets and +3 against armoured targets (Damage roll of 7+)

    The last paragraph of the mixed minefield says:

    A mixed minefield section combines the best of both worlds and will affect infantry and artillery with +2 Pen hits, but vehicles with +5 Pen hits.

    So anti-tank minefields attack both armoured and non-armoured vehicles with +5 Pen.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Master Chief.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Master Chief.
    michael kelley

    when mortars get pins and they pass the order test do the pins add to the roll needed to hit the target like infantry or do the pins only matter for order test.

    Master Chief

    2nd ed rulebook page 71:

    When firing HE shells using indirect fire, a 6 is required to hit, regardless of any modifier.

    After passing the order test it should hit on a 6.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Master Chief.
    Stuart Harrison

    Modifiers, including pins, are purely on the direct fire to hit process (ie: the normal to hit process) as described p54.

    Indirect fire uses the ranging in process instead and explicitly ignores all modifiers as stated by MasterChief.

    michael kelley

    LZ Signals
    If you deploy at least one unit of Pathfinders on the table before the game states (i.e. the Pathfinders are not in the first wave or in reserve), then any friendly paratroopers and glider units in reserve may re-roll failed Order tests to come onto the table.

    Does this mean I can setup my pathfinder like i would spotters and snipers. Thanks

    Mark Prichard

    Infantry inside a building usually get the hard cover bonus when getting shot at with small arms fire. What happens if a unit advances right up to the same openings and fires into the building? Is it treated like an obstacle where neither side gets the hard cover or does it play with the same rule, i.e. the unit in the building gets hard cover and the one outside the building gets no cover bonus.


    michael kelley, all the rules applicable to the unit are written in the “Special Rules” section, for example, Pathfinders from Market Garden (US PATHFINDERS (MARKET GARDEN)) have only one special rule – “Exceptional training”.

    you gave little information where you found LZ Signals, what was the context, what else was written there?

    Mark Prichard, a very good question, the rules do not consider this situation separately, so you should play by the General rule, that is, cover bonus is only for those who are in the building. you can change the situation with home rules.

    Stuart Harrison

    Michael Kelly – there are three deployment options.

    On table (which is when LZ signals would be of benefit)
    First Wave (specifically excluded), and
    Reserves (specifically excluded).

    There is no special provision for them to forward deploy (at a guess, an oversight by the author as without it they are useless in the two scenarios immediately following their entry in Battleground Europe).

    I would suggest discussing it with your opponent and house rule deploying your pathfinders as forward deployment (covered by including them in your first wave) or change the conditions for them providing a benefit so it doesn’t matter how they came to be on the table, just that they are on the table when testing for the gliders/paras.

    Stuart Harrison

    Mark Pritchard – Don’t forget the 1″ rule. The second unit couldn’t get within 1″ unless they are assaulting, so the situation can’t apply.


    Can I use british 75mm pack light howitzer in british reinforced platoon? Or am I only able to do so in market garden selectors?


    I haven’t seen any direct mention anywhere that you can do that. so for the balance of the game it is better not to do so.

    but in frequently asked questions there is such an answer:
    Can armies use captured vehicles? For example, the Russians used captured German vehicles and vice-versa No, they cannot, at least by a strict application of the rules about forming reinforced platoons. However, we have used ‘captured vehicles’ (or indeed ‘allied vehicles’) in many friendly games, and it’s very good fun!
    It’s also helpful to reach a certain amount of points for a game if you have a very ‘varied’ collection! We normally rule that they should be taken as Inexperienced or at most as Regular, but certainly not as Veteran, as the crew would have less experience with their use…”
    by analogy, the British there is no object to use the American howitzer, especially since they could be in the units of the British paratroopers .

    Personally, I use the captured vehicles only with the same parameters, for example, my brandenburgers use a captured GAZ truck, which does not differ (neither value nor parameters) from Opel.


    Just a query – ref M8 Greyhounds

    Bolt Action Easy Army builder Great Britan List armour 8+.

    GB Book 7+

    Has there been an update or faq changing armour value.

    Cheers for the help.


    On the Greyhound
    US book – 7+
    main rulebook – 7+

    So I’d go with a type on EasyArmy as its not a warlord sponsered site.

    edit – checked the 2019 Errata /FAQ, no entry on the Damage Value of the Greyhound under any of: all armies, US or British.. so defiantly a typo

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Nat.

    Cheers for the help

    Pawel Gos


    I have a question regarding the selection of a tow vehicle.
    The Selector states that a one tow vehicle can be selected by arty selection. Is this mean that you can select for instance a vehicle that can only tow light arty for a medium arty piece ? And on the board you cannot tow this gun but still you can run a tow vehicle separately ? Of course the gun itself is able to enter the table by itself

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