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    Hi Pawel,… as far as RAW (rules as written) goes for the general infantry platoon selectors yeah there is nothing to stop you from doing that.

    However for the armoured platoons (eg Tank war) then the arty selection must be able to be towed by at least one transport.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Nat.
    Joakim Nyberg

    Hi guys..
    I have a question…
    In the British rulebook… for a example. Sherman tank.

    *HE: Instead of causing D2 HE hits, an HE hits shell causes D6 hits.

    Is that troops in building or is that for troops in open ground. My friend tells me that, that this is a rule for people in a building.
    But it doesn’t say anything about building at all.
    Just wanna make sure.


    Bazooka Joe

    A unit in the open would take a d6 hits from the Sherman. A unit in a building would take half hits from the Sherman, so 1d6 divided by two. This rule will be found under the building rules, not the vehicle rules.

    Stuart Harrison

    That’s a first edition HE designation, to convert to second edition template sizes when firing at units in the open see p70, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, HE, para immediately following the HE chart. It tells you to cross reference the D6 in “Hits vs targets in building column” with the template size – HE(D6) corresponds to a 2″ template.

    @Bazooka Joe – Re “A unit in a building would take half hits from the Sherman, so 1d6 divided by two.” – halving hits is dependent on being down, not on being in a building (though a unit in a building can get this benefit by being down). If they don’t go down, no halving of hits.

    Joakim Nyberg

    Ah oki, that clarifies it.
    Got a bit confused there.
    Forgot that the book is rather old now.

    Awesome, Thanks guys:D


    Chinese Communists Sparrow Tactics – is the 9″ move before or after Preliminary Bombardment or, like the US Rangers, something that is rolled for?


    Fieldcraft Special Rule – does a unit charging through rough terrain on turn 1, and assuming the unit being charged is not behind a wall, hedge or in a house, etc., roll their assault dice first or is it simultaneous?


    This is about soviet Big HE . Does the 2d6 mean actual hits or pin markers. Does this mean we don’t use the templet to see how many are hit. I didn’t see anything already written. Thanks

    Stuart Harrison

    That’s a first edition HE notation – see p70, Weapons, Weapon Special Rules, HE, first para after the HE chart for explanation of how to convert first edition HE notation to relevant templates for second edition (you cross reference the “hits vs targets in buildings” column to find the correct row). In this case, HE(2D6) = 3″ template.


    We are relatively new to game . Sorry if we ask so many questions. I tried looking thru all 29 pages and searches before asking. Thanks for all answers.
    1- Do heavy weapons with penetration change the damage number of infantry. Example does a H.Machinegun (+1 pen.)damage on 4+ against veteran infantry. Will penetration also affect hard cover , behind walls , gun shields etc. Would a panzer Faust damage an infantry on anything but a 1.
    Open-topped : The way we read it small arms can add pin markers to open-top but cannot actually damage them even from rear of say 7+ armor vehicle.


    Hi Nick,

    Dont worry about the questions, we like to help here!

    1) Weapon Penetration DOES help with wound rolls… so yes your example of a HMG wounds Vets on a 4+. And a 4″ HE template wounds on a 2+
    2) Cover affects the to hit roll not the wound/penetration. The special rules such as Body Armour /extra protection (granted by gun shields or being in a building)* etc is also affected. So HMG against Vets in a building would be wounding on a 5+ (5+ normal, then 6+ due to extra protection then +5 due to HMG)
    3) correct. Open topped takes PINs from small arms, however only Heavy weapons can make use of the modifiers against vehicles noted as armoured (pg 107).

    *Side note – these special rules dont stack, you cant have better than a 6+ to wound for none armoured vehicles. A vet gun crew, with gun shield in a building is maxed at a 6+ – May 19 FAQ [quote]If a unit with a gun shield (or body armour) is inside a building, do the +1 modifiers to the damage value stack up? For example, what is the damage value of a regular unit with gun shield inside a building: 5+ or 6+?
    e bonuses do not stack up, and the same is true for body armour and any similar rule. So in the example, a Regular unit with body armour or a gun shield inside a building is damaged on 5+.[/quote]

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Nat.

    Thank You


    Hello everybody,
    yesterday we played a 7 Player match beach landing normandy. We used the d-day overlord rulebook.
    We had some gliders landing behind german lines and tried to use the glider Impact table.
    In the running text describing how your troops exit the gliders (I think in the last paragraph), it is said “then roll a die…” that means “one” die? Because at the top of the glider Impact table it is said “2d6”. We´ve lost many men through the 2d6 (you Exit safely at 1-4, but you loose a men at 7+), before we used only one D6.
    So the question is: 2D6 or 1D6 (we will Play one D6 in further games)
    Thank you


    Disclaimer – I dont have the DDay book!.

    However my first thought is – Is there any modifiers to the roll? If not then it will be a case of roll 2 Dice.

    Simply because there is the 7+ result of loosing men…and as you cant get 7+ on 1 D6 it makes the entry pointless :p.

    As has been proven with the flamethrowers, the wording generally is not tight enough to use individual sentences as an argument, you need all aspects of the rule and interaction to get the answer.


    yes sorry i forgott, there are indeed two modifiers
    1. +1 breaking parachute
    2. +1 hitting an obstacle

    the whole Impact table is:
    1-4 = Exits safely
    5-6 = stunned (try next turn)
    7+ = Stunned + 1 killed

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