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    Can you fire it on the advance though? Or do you have to wait until the next turn? sorry, i don’t have the rulebook to hand.

    Stuart Harrison

    Where are you getting it from that you need a fire order for indirect fire? The only thing restriction specific to indirect is that you can’t fire indirect from ambush – p72, Weapons, Weapons Special Rules, Indirect Fire, sixth para. Fixed is the only rule preventing mortars from moving and firing, and includes the provision to rotate and fire on an advance, no exclusion in that for indirect/HE.

    Stuart Harrison

    Edit to the above, last sentence “…prevents mortars from moving…” should read “…prevents most mortars from moving…” – most light mortars don’t have fixed so can move and fire on an advance.

    A bit irritating not having edit options.


    thanks guys. It’s maybe something I’ve thought I’ve read somewhere ha! I’m possibly confusing the ambush (and the fact you can’t pivot on ambush as you need an advance order) with advance and pivot fixed weapons rules. Will read them over 👍


    Question about the Panzerbuchse 41.. Rules state that at ranges under 12″ “base armour penetration is increased by 2”, but at over half range the pen is “reduced by 2 instead of the usual 1”. My question is, what is the profile of this gun against unarmored targets? The reduction in penetration for long range only applies against armored targets as far as I know. RAW seems to suggest that against unarmored targets it gets the +4 against unarmored targets at all ranges. Is this correct? Or would it be +6 under 12 and +4 at other ranges?


    Panzerbuchse 41
    Heavy weapons fired against soft-skinned targets do not suffer long range penetration penalties. Plus, the text for the Panzerbuchse 41 specifically addresses penetration against armored targets. Therefore:

    Shots against soft-skinned targets:
    0″-48″ = +4 penetration

    Shots against armored targets:
    0″-12″ = +6 penetration
    >12″-24″ = +4 penetration
    >24″-48″ = +2 penetration

    richard zamudio

    New to the forum (new forum): Does the Tiger fear rule trump the Banzai rule?

    Thanks, RichardZ


    This is the email thread from when I asked this question earlier this year:

    “Good afternoon greg.

    I received an answer from Alessio:

    “Tiger Fear has no effect if a unit uses Banzai Charge. ”

    Kind regards,

    On Fri, 19 Jan at 2:39 PM , Lorenzo Pala <> wrote:
    Good afternoon Greg.

    Thank you for your message, I have forwarded it to Alessio, and I will reply here with his answer one I receive it.

    Have a nice weekend!

    Kind regards,

    On Fri, 12 Jan at 6:25 PM , herbstine <> wrote:
      During a recent game, we came across a situation where a Japanese unit was given a Banzai order, while a Tiger Fear vehicle was in sight.  The quandary was: since the Japanese unit always passes the order test to Banzai, does the Tiger Fear have any effect.  One side says no, the other says the Tiger Fear is a separate issue.  Please advise.”

    Stuart Harrison

    Simple reason for the above – Tiger fear forces an order test whether one would normally be required or not, and adds one pin for the purposes of the test. Banzai then automatically passes that test.


    Just wondering if the absence of fuel shortage vehicles in the Road to Berlin Last Levy Selector is a deliberate move or just an oversight?

    Alexander Ilyn

    Still have question about “Fuel Shortages” rule.
    Should tank with this rule roll D6 EACH TIME it moves or only one time after first move?


    Finnish morale after taking 50% casualties?

    Does the finnish rule override the rulebook regarding the fact that you always fail morale checks on a roll of 11 and 12.

    To be spesific if a finnish veteran unit is reduced to 50% and its officer is nearby to negate the one pin marker, will that unit only rout on a double six?

    Greg S

    Finnish morale after taking 50% casualties?

    Does the finnish rule override the rulebook regarding the fact that you always fail morale checks on a roll of 11 and 12.

    A roll of 11 or 12 is always a fail, no matter what the morale bonus.


    The rules state that 11 or 12 is a failure only due to the maximum morale being 10, but the most recent faq explicitly states that the Finnish sisu rule is an exception to that maximum. I would say that in the original scenario, the squad would only rout on double 6. Some better clarification from warlord on this point would be good I suppose.


    How is the community addressing the light mortar when the loader is killed? How is the -1 negative modifier applied? I understand how it applies using an lmg.

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