Rules Questions

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    Gerry Brawley

    Oops….. mistype on the bit about firng indirect in Ambush ( mean’t to write cannot fire 🙁 ). Kory Indirct Fire weapons would need to range in whereas direct fire can be aimed at the straight at the target.


    No, I get all that and maybe am being to Literal. Indirect in ambush w/ loader shouldn’t be any different than sniper w/ assistant… but, I’ve never fired a mortar or seen the operational function of them on a battlefield.


    To addd to the convo and my understanding of rules.
    Why is it when a (light mortar) loses it loader there is no penalty (delay), in ranging in (?). Just minor hiccups in rule understanding/interruption.


    To take it a step further. My Japanese unit w/ 2 light mortars w/ 6 riflemen, can advance fire the rifle in one direction and my 2 lt. mortar units can separate fire directions anywhere enemies can be found and hope to roll some 6’s.
    Yet, my lt. mortar team creaping in the brush on ambush is to slow to engage. It ain’t adding up.


    The rules say that you cannot fire an indirect fire weapon from ambush.

    Also indirect weapons do not suffer any modifiers to hit so the loss of a loader is not so important.

    If you wish to discuss why then start a new thread 😉


    I want to fire indirect at the end of the round.
    not while laying in ambush…but that Question seems answered already on the last page….
    Edit : No its not: reading the german translation it says that I can not fire while in ambush because it´s “time intensive”…bad translation???…it´s written : “Waffen mit einem Hinterhalt-Befehl dürfen nicht indirekt feuern – indirektes Feuer benötigt viel Zeit”
    But the situation was : end of round, roll a “4”, gave “fire” order to the gun.
    So it was a “fire” order which include indirect fire, normally….

    whats about a gun on a rotating platform going in ambush?
    any direction or just the actual on?
    Still searching for mor Info about the “rotating platform”…

    Thanks again in advance

    P.S.: It would be nice if the publisher would give an “official” answer for all those rule questions.
    As far as I can see this is a “players ask players” thread…

    Stuart Harrison

    The fact you are flipping the dice to fire isn’t particularly relevant (that’s a normal part of resolving an Ambush, not exclusive to this situation) – the prohibition is “… cannot be fired indirectly by a unit that was in Ambush that turn…”, not “cannot be fired from Ambush” or words to that effect – the unit was in Ambush that turn so it can’t fire any weapons indirectly that turn regardless of what order it’s showing now.

    Max Remington

    I’m new to the game, as is my playing partner, and I’m curious about the use of grenades. I had a situation where my squad of veteran paratroopers outflanked and were about to assault his sdkfz 251/23. I had equipped my men with anti-tank grenades before the game, but when I went to assault his vehicle he stated that unless my miniatures have the grenades represented on them physically, I couldn’t use grenades on the battlefield. He has played in a couple of groups where he was told that is a rule. Is this true? Because it sounds kind of stupid if it is, especially if you’re willing to spend the 2 points per man to use that weapon. If you pay for the option to use the grenades, I would imagine it would be assumed that your men possess them whether they are physically represented or not. I was also told that the weapons your minis are physically equipped with (SMGs, Rifles, Pistols, etc) accurately represent what they are using on the battlefield, which actually makes sense, but it your minis aren’t sculpted with grenades, how are you able to “equip” with them?



    P73 Support Weapons.
    When model carrying /firing weapon is killed, the entire team is considered to be out of action. Which support weapons fall into this category.

    Max Remington

    My Hellcat attacks a building in which a squad of Germans is hiding. The Germans get no cover mods which means I hit on a 3+. So, I roll 5 and hit the building with an HE(2″). Now, I have to roll a D6 to see how many enemy soldiers are actually effected by the explosion. I roll a 3. So, the question is: does this mean 3 of his men have died or do I roll 3 dice to determine damage on each of them?

    Master Chief

    The last column of the table on page 70 of the 2nd edition rulebook says “Hits vs targets in buildings”. So it is number of hits, in your case 3, so roll 3 D6 against the table on page 56 to determine how many models are killed.

    Stuart Harrison


    “P73 Support Weapons.
    When model carrying /firing weapon is killed, the entire team is considered to be out of action. Which support weapons fall into this category.”

    Look for infantry team weapons that have the “Team” or “Team Weapon” special rule listed. Artillery have their own exceptional damage rules. Squad Based team weapons don’t gain the team weapon special rule even if they have a team weapon in them, and have their own section under the team rule.

    Examples of other infantry “teams” without the rule and not affected by it include HQs, Soviet Tough Tank Hunters, Dog Mine teams etc – they don’t include a team weapon.


    Where do you look or gauge or measure on a unit/figure that is shooting to see if it has LOS down a hill like in diagram 4b?

    If my figure is mounted on it’s head, because I’m exploiting this rule, I need to know where to “view” from.

    “Figures are considered standing for shooting”

    Is it the barrel?
    Where do you see from?
    If my mini is smaller than your mini then what is considered “standing for shooting” height?

    Stuart Harrison

    See p33, Conventions of War, Sight, third para, third sentence – “Have a look from behind the firer’s head…”


    What about for tanks and such? Where do you draw LOS?

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