Rules Questions

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    Stuart Harrison

    P96, Vehicles, Vehicles and Sight, paraphrasing, open topped vehicles are from the crew positions, enclosed vehicles are from cupolas, vision slits, periscopes etc(crew modeled sticking out of hatches are not taken into account – it’s assumed you button up going into combat). Line of fire for particular weapons shooting are worked out by sighting as closely as possible along the barrel of the weapon.


    I play w/ long time gamers/veterans in gaming and for myself I’m a two year intro. That being said and from the veterans I play with, this is a very balanced game. Verbiage… in understanding may not be exactly 100% percent but, it’s Damn close! I love this game and quick response to answering questions…is a Testament to its commitment to getting it solid!


    Ok. So to be clear by these rules as written.

    A tank shot is worked out by the barrel and to shoot over a model your go from the top of the model’s head like on page 50 i think.

    So a tank can shoot through a unit of infantry if the model is mounted prone.


    Thank you and I am now done with these forums.

    Also if you mount your troops on their head, like I plan to, you get even more clearance to fire over them. AS PER THE RULES.


    So a tank can shoot through a unit of infantry if the model is mounted prone.


    No. You cannot shoot through friendly units.


    No but you can shoot over.

    I don’t see the p96 thing he’s talking about above BUT

    diagram 4b states you need one inch OVER THE TOP OF THE MODEL’S HEAD.

    so you mound the model PRONE

    then you look for LOS FROM THE BARREL OF THE GUN

    as long as that barrel is 1nch over the HEAD of the model

    bam. shoot over it.


    Mmmm I think you might be ripping the urine with your questioning. Always presume models are standing regardless of how they are modelled. A unit lying on their stomachs or as you are suggesting, doing headstands, gain no advantage to shooting over them.


    As described above, when firing a gun imagine you are looking through the sights of the gunner firing it.
    Try to look as closely as possible along the barrel of the gun itself.

    the shot is not
    permitted if it would pass through or within 1” of a model from a different friendly unit. In such cases the
    friends are too close to the line of fire. Note that this applies vertically as well, as shown in Diagram 4B.

    So it goes by the MODEL (outstandingly stupid rule). Just use small models or mount them weird. Or mount on scenic bases to gain height.

    Thus you can make the 1″ gap.


    😂😂😂😂 why not save the time modelling the miniatures to gain advantages and use loaded dice? Either way you’ll be short of opponents soon enough 😂😂😂😂


    I don’t even play this game. I dislike it FAR too much. I’m just here to point out the horrible way the rules are written and learn it for some people that want to play it. But that’s besides the point.

    Going by the rules AND YOUR RESPONSES AND EMAILS… tanks can shoot over models if they are prone (or in my case standing on their head)

    Which makes sense in reality anyway.


    👏👏👏 Less shouting in your last response. I don’t think you’d be the correct person to teach others to play BA 😂 Maybe snap would suit your attitude


    also wtf does ripping the urine mean?

    wtf is snap?

    See further pics


    I didn’t mean to upset you. No offence. The game is quite simple and only becomes confusing when people try to break it to their advantage. Hope you enjoy learning them and maybe your opinion of it will change. Snap is a card game. Ripping the urine is a polite version of a Scottish phrase meaning ‘pulling my leg’ 👍

    Gerry Brawley

    Models in a unit are presumed to be fluid and therefore moving around all the time. You cannot fire through any unit or within 1″ of a unit you can damage. Vehicles with weapons capable of firing indirect may fire over a unit that is front of them.


    J you said you don’t play – why are you even here?

    All models are assumed to be standing, it’s a principal of the game for determining LOS. If you wish to claim true LOS then this is not the game for you as it does not apply in a lot of cases. This works just fine.

    No game is flawless.



    a tank can fire through a unit as long as the barrel is 1 inch above the heads of the model

    Just got an email

    Tanks can fire their cannon/turret weapons so long as there is a 1 inch gap above the infantry’s heads
    Kind Regards,
    Robin Scott-Blore

    SSSSSoooooooo….. who was right? THIS GUY! SUCK IT!

    And on that note, I am done and out.

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