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    What happens when a flamethrower fires at a Veteran Super Heavy Tank (AV11+)? My understanding is that the Tank would get hit, would not take any pins, and would make a moral check after resolving.

    The flamethrower has Pen 3+, and always hits top armor (+1 Pen). It is incapable of penning an AV11+ tank (3+1+6 = 10). As such the Veteran Enclosed Vehicle rule would come into play, and the tank cannot be pinned by any hits incapable of causing damage. However nothing in the Veteran Enclosed Vehicle rule would override the forced moral check caused by the flamethrower, so I assume that the veteran tank would still take that hit after the flamethrower resolved as usual.

    EDIT: Bonus Question. If a Soviet ampulomet fires at a veteran super heavy tank, would it cause its pins normally? The ampulomet cannot penetrate the tanks armor, but its special rules lets it set a tank on fire on a ‘6’ if it fails to pen. Does the ampulomet’s bonus chance to set things on fire count as an ability to “potentially cause damage” for the purpose of veteran enclosed vehicles ignoring pins?


    First: As I understand it the FT causes ‘special’ pins: the pin from the weapon (the +1) would be ignored but the special pins (D3) from the flame thrower rule would still apply.

    Second: I’d say no as the Ampulomets isn’t actually defeating the armour, it’s skipping straight to the damage table so it cannot ‘damage’ the vehicle directly.

    Both on shakey ground though… good questions.


    J – Warlord email answers are notoriously almost always wrong as the staffers don’t always understand the rules in detail.

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


    Can you clarify a sniper question. If a sniper is shooting at a squad the rules state it can select which model to shoot/kill. Is this still the case if that model is out of view?
    I.e. if he can only see the last man in the squad but wants to kill the nco who is further ahead out of view?
    Also what if the sniper is only in range of one man in the squad are the others classed as out of range or do you just need to be able to hit the squad(closest member) to kill whoever you like?


    Gerry Brawley

    So long as one is in range then you can kill any man in the squad whether you can see him or not and with a sniper you get the choice of who dies. Similarly if you could only see one man in a umit and you caused say 4 casualties then 4 men would be removed.


    Excellent thanks for that Gerry:)


    Dear Sirs,
    there is little problem with adaptation “ost front” book to the rules of 2 edition.
    Kindly advice “to hit” modifier when unit dug in, and “to hit” modifier, when unit down and dug in.

    Stuart Harrison

    Written for first edition – where it refers to down being -1 it should now read down as -2.

    Dug in counts as down, so -2 if just dug in.

    Dug in and down, effect is doubled, so -4 to hit – you will be rolling 6s on 6s to hit.

    richard zamudio

    Richard Zamudio: Can a spotter for a mortar unit fire (shoot) his personal weapon at the enemy? I am not talking about giving the mortar crew a fire order. If he can shoot, would he use the weapon that he is modeled with?

    Stuart Harrison

    The spotter is not allocated any weapon (same as the other members of a team weapon crew) and doesn’t benefit from the “as modelled” – that only applies to HQs with that in their weapons line. It also specifically states he can’t shoot or initiate an assault – “Spotters can never fire or assault against enemy units.” p71, spotters text box, first para, second to last sentence.

    Master Chief

    While on the subject of spotters, my medium mortar spotter deployed in a building was attacked by an enemy FAO (who had no further use after his artillery fell off the board) in close assault. How should this be resolved?

    Stuart Harrison

    Same as any other assault – the spotter can’t initiate the attack but would fall under the same rules as the rest of the crew when defending – The FAO will fight according to his weapon as modelled, the spotter will just get the generic one attack.

    Master Chief

    Haha yes that was how we resolved it, simultaneously because my spotter was defending in a building. He rolled a 5 (normal rifle) and I rolled a 1 (damn). But after his FAO took the building, my flamethrower team moved within 6in and burned the guy! 😁

    Mark Stanoch

    Question on Officer Orders: can an officer give an order to a unit that already had an action during the current turn?

    Master Chief

    I believe the answer is “No”. Page 83 below:

    “When a Second Lieutenant receives an order successfully (either because no test was required or because of a successful order test), other than Down, you can immediately take one of your order dice from the bag and give an order normally to a single friendly unit within 6” – you can measure to see which of your units are within 6” before you take dice out of the bag.”

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