Scenario for the Bronekater

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Scenario for the Bronekater

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  • #177347
    HellRaiser 7

    I’ve been waiting for the day to justify dropping the bucks on A T-34 Boat. But now since I’m building a Stalingrad table and Russian Army, I finally ordered one. I knew they were used at Stalingrad and the Black Seas, but I recently learned they were used even inthe Battle of Vienna.  Any how my question is on Warlord Store page for the BK, states there is a scenario for it? I’ve looked through all the books and couldn’t find one. Does anyone know where it is?

    ( I plan on creating my own scenarios or adding it to some battles I’m going recreate too)

    Stuart Harrison

    “These boats were designed to be carried from river to river on special carriages on armoured trains! Now there is a scenario!”

    As I read it, that’s not a statement that a scenario has already been written.  It’s a bit of historical trivia followed by a statement/suggestion/idea that the preceding sentence would be a good basis for a scenario – ie: combining a Bronekater and an armoured train in a scenario “a Bronekater on an armoured train gets attacked by partisans” or something along those lines.


    Yeah I read that as a statement of an idea not a ‘heres a scenario we’ve written’ as well…..


    EDIT – now here’s a question /house rule/ idea…. could we give the Bronekater a transport capacity of 30, with the rule of open decks

    Open Decks – units transported on this vehicle can be targeted indepentantly of the transport, any PINs added to the unit are not transfered to the transport.  If forced to disembark any models unable to be placed on none imparsable ground are killed.  Any shots against the transport are counted with soft cover, any misses due to the soft cover are resolved against a unit transported.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Nat.
    HellRaiser 7

    Thanks you,  I see it could be that way too. Oh well, I’ll just make scenarios for it. There are so many great battle stories of the BK boats. I’ve made several large scale historical scenarios and campaigns before so I’ll do like a night mission of the BKs and ferry’s bringing troops and supplies across the Volga, or the Battle of Vienna, or Sevastapol where they played important roles along with the Naval Brigade (which I’m painting now). Thanks Guys 🤘😎🤘

    HellRaiser 7

    Yes Nat I agree with the soft cover for the troops on the ship. On the drowning, these boats could navigate really well in shallow water and were very successful getting troops on the shore. On the rare occasion (which I read did happen a couple times) I wouldn’t say automatic kill if they hit the water . I would say on a 1-2 on d6. The Russians weren’t usually burden down with much equipment (unless they were Engineers) and if they were the Naval Brigade (who were like Russian marines) but basically evolved into the Soviets first special op warriors, they could swim well.


    re the whole dry land or dead thing… 1 thing i’ve learned about house rules is they need to be concise and flow & also on this forum I try and make generic suggestions as I dont know your terrain :p


    I mean the river could be all imparsable to infantry or the 2″ closesest to a bank could be difficult terrain etc etc

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