SD. KFZ 251 – Scale

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    Hi everyone!

    I’m new in the game. i made a come back in the minis world, a world i left for a while til i discover Bolt Action.
    I started with the Band of Brothers box set, got great times painting all the soldiers from both sides, germans and americans until i glue the SD. KFZ…
    It seems far too small beside the Bolt Action miniatures. It also seems way too far from a real 1/56 scale.
    Is it the same with all Bolt Action vehicles ?

    I plan to invest some money and time in a german army, with some Panzers, but now i wonder if i have to buy articles from Warlord Games in a supposedly 1/56, or if i must go to some 1/48 scale ? Can you tell me more about it ?

    Cheers from Paris!

    Nigel Heather

    I think it is probably okay. There are videos on youtube that compare the warlord and rubicon versions. In my experience, the rubicon models tend to be pretty accurate and comparing the two, the warlord version is slightly bigger, longer and wider – so I wouldn’t have thought it was too small.

    One thing is that warlord figure sculpts tend to be quite chunky which can make them look a bit too big for figures even though they are the correct height.



    Tim Haslam

    I suppose it’s down to what looks right to you.
    I’ve got armies with 1/56 scale and 1/48 scale, but I’ve not mixed the scales in each force.

    I’ve bought vehicles from other sources that claim to be 1/56 but when I’ve measured them using digital vernier callipers and cross referencing with official vehicle documents, I’ve found them to be 1/60 scale!

    I’m not moaning, just saying either scales work for me.
    Just don’t mix them within your army.

    Main point, is not to worry about it.


    So I checked the internet tonight and saw good videos on YouTube about this case. I think I’m more into the 46/1 scale, it’s seems more accurate for me. But what about the gaming thing? It means that i will not ba able to play with people using a 1/56 scale…
    Damned, life can be so complicated…


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by GLLM.
    Tim Haslam

    Not at all?
    It would be a very awkward person who refused to play you because your vehicles were a slightly different scale to there’s!


    My last doubt is about the size of heavy tanks in a 1/48 scale. They seem too large and big. Do you think a full 1/48 armoured army can fit with some 1/56 heavy tanks.
    All these questions disturbed me for good.


    in France, it’s more of a discord between the 1/56 and 1/48 for a very long time…then players 1/48 are refused on the action bolt tournaments…. So forced to play with friends or club that accepts them!
    I myself am a player exclusively on 1/48 but it did not prevent me from being the referee of the French championship of bolt action…
    and continue to play with players on 1/56-60.
    but go to a museum like Bovington or Saumur and look at the tanks…then pick your scale

    invisible officer

    Our game scales (movement, firing) are not 1/48 or 1/56. So……

    If someone insists in using a bigger vehicle the only difference is that its hard to hide.

    The scale discussion is old. WarGAMING models are designed as toys, not scale models. Even if nerds like me dislikes that.

    If you think the wrong size in 28mm is bad never go into Cruel sea. 1/300 and 1/350…….. Grrrrrr

    Don Jardine

    Unfortunately 28mm (the figure size) is not a scale. If it was there would be no difference in build, ie no chunky, heroic or epic versions. I believe that the difference in scales 1/48 v 1/56 depends on historical perspectives. Model planes and tanks were originally for training and indentification purposes and was 1/48 scale. All variants of models used this set of scales (Rocco miniature tanks were 1/96 ie half as big as 1/48) this may well be based on 1/12 scale (for you younger brits and everyone other than citizens of the USA, 1 inch on the model is 12 inches (1 foot)in real life. 1/56 is an attempt to formalise 28mm as a scale.
    I for one am a war gamer and these are games tokens so what is accepted by players is ok by me.


    Got it!

    It doesn’t bother me so much with most of the vehicle models. But the Hanomag is completely out of the 1/56 scale i think.
    By now, I just ordered 2 of them in 1/48 from Tamiya.


    Its because of the extra girth that figure sculptors include that seem to confuse some people.

    The scale conundrum

    I have seen a lot of examples of 1:56 scale and 1:48 scale models with 28mm gaming figures. Except for the added girth added to some figures, the 1:48 models always seem visually too big for 28mm gaming miniatures.

    That being said, it is all down to what looks right to you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Kar98k.

    Brillant article! Thank you!!!

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