Ships Used as Scouts

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  • #185018

    Morning All,

    I was wondering if someone could clarify the following…

    When selecting ships to scout with the Radar Trait the rules state that there is a +1 to Scout rolls AND rerolls.

    Does this mean, for a ship with Radar…

    A) A roll of a 5+ gives a Scouting point and a 4- is rerolled?

    B) A roll 0f 6 gives a Scouting point, but it is a 5+ with a reroll for the ship to return from Scouting?

    C) A roll of a 5+ gives a Scouting point, but it is a 6+ with a reroll for that ship to return from Scouting?

    D) Something else I haven’t thought of!




    A) target is to get 5 or more… so a 4 will give you the scouting point.  So if you get 1-3 re-roll the dice… if you get 1-3 again hard luck no SP for that ship.

    EDIT – oh to expand in this game the Target Required Score is static, Modifiers affect the dice,  I know people say ‘oh but maths it doesnt matter’, but if you keep in your mind that its always D6 + modifiers V target.

    B &C)A ship is scouting, so not available for the start of the battle, irrespective of if it gives you a scouting point or not.  The only way to return it to your fleet is with enough scouting points you get to re-deploy them OR in the end phase you roll a 6 (no modifiers as this is in effect a reserve roll)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Nat.
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